Chapter 2

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Kirishima looked at the (H/C) girl in shock

'Could she be related to Bakugo somehow?' He thought to himself

"Y-yes! Do you know him?" She blurted

"Yeah! I go to UA high with him." The red head replied, "How do you know him? Are you guys related?"

The girl stopped to think, 'So this guy is becoming a hero too? Suits him, he just saved me'

"Yeah, we're twins..." She spoke cautiously, waiting for the response.

'Twins?! Why the heck haven't I heard about this!?' Kirishima panicked "Twins?!" He repeated "I never knew he had a twin-"

"-He doesn't actually doesn't know about me, there was an incident...." (Y/N) interrupted.

Before Kirishima could reply the train came to a stop, their stop. They stood up and left together swiftly, (Y/N) in excitement, Kirishima still in disbelief. They continued to liaise until they reached the cafe that Kirishima had originally planned to meet the hot headed boy. (Y/N) hadn't even realised she was being led away from her meeting point with her parents, too engrossed in the conversation.

"I'm actually meeting Katsuki here if you want to join us" Kirishima offered.

(Y/N) stopped suddenly, a wave of anxiety rushing over her head. 'I'm not ready! I can't meet him yet! What if he doesn't believe me? What if he hates me?!' Her breathing began to falter to which Kirishima noticed. He placed his hand on her shoulders in efforts to comfort her.

"(Y/N), are you alright?" Kirishima was panicked along with her, "take deep breaths, okay, calm down. Come inside and sit down."

When she didn't answer Kirishima did what he thought was best, he embraced her into a hug. He held her there for a moment, noticing her slow calming when all was interrupted by a loud rough voice.

"What is going on here?!"

Kirishima retracted from the embrace and turned to face the intruder.

"Katsuki- oh, hey I was just-" The red head spoke before being interrupted once again.

"Are you cheating on me?!" The blonde exclaimed.

"No! Katsuki I would never do that to you-" Kirishima was quick to answer.

"Then what's this about?!" The boy was far beyond angered, then again... when isn't he?

"I was just helping a friend, Katsuki..." Kirishima stepped towards his lover, this time embracing him into a hug "I love you Katsuki and I would never cheat on you."

The male Bakugou's cheeks tainted with pink as he hugged Kirishima back "I love you too, shitty hair." He whispered, only loud enough to reach Kirishima's ears, not wanting others to know his weakness. He pulled away from the hug to notice a missing (H/C) girl. 'Where did she go?' Kirishima thought to himself, 'she must've gotten scared...'

While they were busy (Y/N) had ran off, her anxieties overwhelmed her and encouraged her escape. She returned to her original route, her parents house.

- At the Bakugou house -

She breathed deeply, inhaling fresh air to calm her. (Y/N) knocked the door firmly and soon the familiar blonde haired woman answered.

"She's here! My baby is home! Aw honey I missed you so much!" Mother Bakugou hugged (Y/N)'s frame tightly as tears brimmed her Bambi eyes. Masaru followed behind her, also with tears in his eyes. They group hugged for quite a while as sobs were shared, it had been too long since they last saw each other. Mitsuki and Masaru visited a day before or after her birthday every year and the same with Christmas but still wasn't enough. They all pulled away from the hug and finally entered the house.

- Two Hours Later -

The sound of the door opening was followed by angry stomping into the house. All attention turned to the living room door as Katsuki walked through.

"Why is she here?!" Katsuki yelled.

"Katsuki be quiet there's something you need to know, sit down." Spoke Mitsuki

He growled lowly and took his seat reluctantly. He looked up at his parents, his patience shortening with each passing second. An awkward silence filled the room, a complete stranger sat beside Katsuki or at least to him.

'What possible explanation could there be to this?' He thought

While Bakugous curious thoughts swam through his head, (Y/N)'s was filled with anxious and paranoid ones. Yet all were stopped by Mitsuki breaking the silence;

"So... Katsuki... meet (Y/N)... your twin sister..."



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