Chapter 12

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They knew it would be complicated to return but... it's good to be back?


"Get your fucking hands off her, you little shit-" Katsuki growled as the police attempted to arrest the fanged blonde.

"Please! I swear she won't cause any trouble!" (Y/N) called out afterwards, her words not meaning anything to the blue uniformed people.

"Where's that ass kicking you promised us, Pomeranian?" Toga asked, voice frustrated as she retaliated against the police trying to grab her.

"I'd be fucking doing it if it weren't for this old bastard's fucking scarf!" He answered angrily.

"Bakugo, stop struggling. Why are you trying to protect a villain?" The tired, black haired man grumbled.

"Because I fucking have to! It's for (Y/N) so fucking let her go."

"We can't do that-"

"I'll be responsible if she does anything villain-like! I swear, if she does anything bad I'll be held accountable! Just let her go."

The older man groaned and loosened the scarf's grip while motioning to the police to stand down.

"You'll be responsible." He spoke flatly, while Toga made her way back to (Y/N)'s arms calmly. Bakugo huffed and went to the two as well. "If she makes one mistake, you'll both be punished for it. Understood?"

"Understood." Bakugo replied.

After the scene had calmed, the Bakugos, along with Himiko, returned to their house. Their parents were hesitant at first but trusted their children in the end and allowed Toga to stay with them, not without a parental threat for their children's safety of course. Which led them to where they were now; Toga's face buried in (Y/N)'s chest, arms wrapped tightly around each other, sharing their body's' warmth.

"You said I could redeem myself, (Y/N). But how? I just want a world where I can do whatever I want and live freely. I don't get how I can do that by not being with the league." Toga mumbled exhaustedly.

"Well for a starter there's the privilege that being a pro hero provides like where you create mass distraction and people praise you," (Y/N) chuckled before continuing, "But you can find your own way of being free, expressing your emotions and passions in your own way, without having to hurt people. There's many ways you can be good, Princess."

"How so..?"

"Well I can think of a few but, we can try them together, okay? Wether it's an activity, art, place, we can find your freedom together."

"But (Y/N)..." Toga complained, dragging out her partners name, "blood. How do I just say goodbye to blood? Blood is trouble, right? But blood is too fun to not collect anymore..." she pouted.

(Y/N) giggled, "you silly goose. Maybe we can find a way of getting some without hurting people... like volunteers! I volunteer some of my blood for you, Princess!" She beamed excitedly, which is quite concerning considering what she had just said.

"(Y/N)! Don't say such things!" Toga laughed, squeezing your waist tighter, "but like... would you really..?"

"Of course! If it makes you happy then I'll do anything." She smiled down at Toga, matching her squeezing strength.

"And I, you, (Y/N)..." Toga climbed up (Y/N)'s body and placed a kiss on her lips. "I love you so much."

"I love you too Toga."

They cuddled in closer, legs intwining comfortably, almost like a completed jigsaw puzzle. A perfect quiet surrounded them, their matched breaths against each other the only sound noticeable. That was, until-

"It's about fucking time. And don't you think about having any of (Y/N)'s blood!" Katsuki called out from his own room, causing a disturbance of the silence followed by giggling of the two embraced females.

"Don't worry Katsu, I love you as well." (Y/N) spoke through her smile.

Katsuki clicked his tongue, "whatever... love you too..." he finished, mumbling the last section only slightly enough to be heard by the two in the next room.

Viper (Toga Himiko x Fem!Reader) DISCONTINUED !!Where stories live. Discover now