Chapter 3

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The ash blonde boy stood suddenly. He was confused and angry.

'She can't be my twin! I've never had any siblings at all!' He thought.

(Y/N) sat quietly, she remembered her brother could get angry at times.

"SIT DOWN KATSUKI- I know this must be confusing but she really is your twin. There was an accident when you guys were younger and you lost your memories. We had to send (Y/N) away for both of your safeties." Mistuki exclaimed.

"This makes NO sense!" Katsuki yelled.

"Should I leave?" (Y/N) said softly, rising uncomfortably from her seat. Katsuki didn't respond as steam was metaphorically coming out of his ears.

"No no, we'll go to let you guys speak privately for a moment" Masaru spoke as they both left the room.

(Y/N) turned to Katsuki. She noticed his irritated state and took a step forward. She reached an arm out to his face, to feel his warm soft skin when he moved back with his arm swung out into hers, hitting it away.

"No! I don't know who the hell you think you are but get out of my house! You're not my family! You're nothing to me!" His words hit he girl hard. Even though she understood why he was acting the way he was, tears still formed in her eyes as daggers struck her heart.

"Katsu, listen I'm s-"

"No! Stop, don't you dare! Leave my house right now." He interrupted the smaller Bakugo as sparks erupted from his hands, a sign of being threatened. (Y/N) took a step back... 'Maybe it would be best for me to leave..' she thought.

"Can I just-"




A small explosion was sent straight to (Y/N). She flew back slightly from the blast ending up on the floor with soot covering her. She coughed as smoke filled her lungs dangerously. Their parents burst through the room for the smoke the clear away and the scene to unravel itself in front of them.

"KASTUKI, STOP!" Their parents both yelled. Katsuki huffed and moved away from them. Masaru went to (Y/N)'s side hastily and helped her up. Her hair was tattered and messed from the blast, her clothes singed at the edges and her skin dirtied in soot. She coughed a final time to see Mitsuki hitting Katsuki over the head while screaming at him to apologize for what he did. Masaru embraced the girl gently,

"Are you hurt at all?" He asked

"N-no it's okay." She replied as it was true, she wasn't hurt except for the emotional pain that hid under the surface. Mother Bakugo made her way to (Y/N).

"Katsuki just needs time. You can go up to the guest room if you'd like to clean up." Mother Bakugo replied for the angry male Pomeranian. The younger girl nodded innocently and quietly went upstairs, leaving her family in silence. Katsuki finally sat down though his mind was still racing to figure out what was going on. Masaru left the room momentarily to find an old photo album. He sat closely next to the younger Bakugo and opened the book up to reveal many cute pictures of both Bakugo twins playing together before the accident. The days were labeled and explained briefly with things like; 'The twins at the beach' or 'The twins first Christmas!'. The photos played in Katsuki's mind like a movie as his memories resurfaced, few tears rolled down his well sculptured face. 'How could I have forgotten her? My twin.' He thought 'I've been a terrible brother...' his mind wandered to the accident where he caused all the problem in their relationship. Katsuki felt broken, like someone has ripped out his heart and laid it out in front of him, 'I caused this!'. The one person other than his parents that loved him no matter what was the one he hurt. The ribbon... she still wore the ribbon. Does that mean she could forgive him for the mistakes he made? She came back... for me. He raced upstairs without a moment to lose, aggressively swung the guest room door open and latched onto his younger twin in a hug, scared to ever let go again.

"I- I remember! I'm s-so sorry!" He cried out in between sobs. (Y/N) returned the hug tightly, she had missed his warmth, "I'm so sorry I hurt you! I'll never do it again, I promise! I'll protect you until the day I die, I'll never let you leave again!"

"It's okay Katsu, I forgive you..."

Viper (Toga Himiko x Fem!Reader) DISCONTINUED !!Where stories live. Discover now