Chapter 8

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The next morning, Katsuki was found still unconscious on his bedroom floor by his mother who also noticed a missing (Y/N). The two parents now sat in the hospital once again, panicked and afraid, waiting for one child to wake and the other to be found. Police and friends were informed and started the search for the missing girl. No one had heard anything from her, though her phone was left behind so no 'find my phone' could track her. The drug had been identified and the young boys wake was certified. All there was left, was the wait.

"Mr and Mrs Bakugo?" A calm sounding nurse called into the waiting room.

"That's us." Masaru answered, the both shooting up from their seats.

"He's awake," She informed them as they walked towards her "just down here." She led them to Katsukis room, who of which was sat up holding back tears of the memory of the past night.

"Katsuki!" Mitsuki called out, rushing towards him, arms spread for embrace. Masaru not far behind.

"It was her, (Y/N) did this," the young blonde said, a tear threatening to fall from his eye "she drugged me."

Mother Bakugo pulled away shocked, "that couldn't be right, she wouldn't. Would she?"

"She did. I c-can't believe it myself..." He repeated.

"Maybe it wasn't her- your memory could be mixed up-"

"It. was. her." Katsuki said sternly.

"A-Alright... we just need to know why..."

They say in silence for a short while before a bush haired boy came through the room.

"Kacchan! I heard you were in the hospital I came straight away- oh hello Aunt Mitsuki and Uncle Masaru." Izuku blurted, bowing towards the end as an apology for coming in so ubruptly.

"Izuku, dear, it's wonderful to see you again." Mitsuki said to the boy, a small forced smile forming at her lips.

"You too! S-so what happened, is Kacchan alright?" He asked, concern spread over his face, "I also heard from Kirishima that (Y/N) was home? Where is she?"

"Slow down, Izuku." Masaru interrupted Izuku from asking many more questions at once.

"I'm fine, nerd." Katsuki answered frustratedly, not wanting to be his usual self to the smaller boy in front of his parents.

"There was just a small incident, and yes (Y/N) was home but she seems to be missing at the moment." Masaru answered his questions regretfully.

"Missing?! Thats terrible!" Izuku feared.

"Hopefully she's alright and will be home soon." Mitsuki added sadly. Everyone lowered their heads, unable to find what to say next. That was until the infamous 'Bakusquad' burst through the hospital room's doors.




"Boomy boy!"


They chimed, Denki obviously finding himself hilarious calling him his hated childhood nickname 'Kacchan'. Of which, said boy sighed knowing the annoyance that he was about to receive.

"We'll leave you guys to it." Said the Bakugo parents before silently making their exit, their son unable to decide if it would be better they stay or not.

"So Bakubro what happened?! Are you alright?" Mina gelled, louder than preferred.

"Shut the hell up idiots! I'm fine!" He returned her volume.

"What about (Y/N)-"

"Gone." He said coldly.

"What do you mean gone...?" Sero asked.

"I mean gone! What else?!"

"W-was she taken...?" Mina stuttered.

"No. From what I know she left herself. After attacking and drugging me..."

"She attacked you?! Why the heck-" Pika-boy bursted out.

"I don't know!" The room fell silent, "I don't know okay... I have no idea why she would do that. Especially after what happened, she can hardly walk by herself. All I know is she couldn't have decided it alone..."

"It's alright Katsuki... we're here for you. And she'll be found. You'll get your answers." Kirishima placed a comforting hand on the emotionally cracking blonde's shoulder. Bakugo himself surprisingly accepted the affection in front of his other friends, which he'd never really done before. Only showing his friends more of how much the event was effecting him.

For the rest of the day they tried all they could to comfort and cheer up the sad blonde. He'd never admit, but their company had helped him so much that day. And he'd never forget it.

Viper (Toga Himiko x Fem!Reader) DISCONTINUED !!Where stories live. Discover now