Chapter 7

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Katsuki was scolded for not taking care of his sister by his frustratedly worried parents, though he was beating himself up for it too. (Y/N) hadn't woken yet so what happened to her was still a mystery. Katsuki suspected the scarred guy from in the league of villains.

'But why didn't she scream?' He thought as the nurse came into the waiting room.

"She's awake." Was all she had to say for the whole Bakugo family to flood into the room. Katsuki had rushed in there first, bolting quickly to the injured girl's bed.

"What happened? Are you okay? I'm so sorry!" He blurted.

"W-who are you...?" She asked frightenedly.

"Y-you don't r-remember me?" It was as if his heart had shattered. Tears formed within milliseconds.

"Oh gosh- Katsu it's okay! I'm only joking!" (Y/N) spoke worriedly, pulling him into a close hug.

"Damn, idiot, don't do that to me ever again!" He said angrily, yet still hugging back. Tears still threatened to fall from his ruby eyes.

"(Y/N), sweetie, can you remember what happened..?" Mitsuki asked calmly before Katsuki got the chance to scream in her face.

Her eyes glimmered in slight guilt and though before she answered: "No... I-I don't..." She bit her lip, seemingly to help thinking and eventually shook her head again.

"It's okay, as soon as you remember though you make sure you tell us." Masaru replied. The whole family talked and consoled the injured blonde until the doctor gave them the 'okay' to leave. (Y/N) was given crutches to assist her walking no matter how many times Katsuki had said he'd help her around everywhere. The drive home was... lively, as you'd expect from a family of Bakugos. Except (Y/N) was quiet for the most of it, only speaking when spoken to... as if in deep thought. They filed into their house, all letting out a sigh, tired from the long day. Katsuki, being the protective brother that he is, refused to let (Y/N) sleep alone incase someone was to break in. Meaning the twins settled in his room after locking all doors and windows. They were all on edge, afraid of what the night could bring.

As they slept, Katsuki stayed as some sort of gaurd. Arms wrapped tightly around his sister's form and mind wondering to his personal theories on what happened. Too many questions played in his head.

Why didn't she scream for help?

What did she do the whole time alone?

Was there one person or more?

Could the LoV found her?

Burns... Dabi...?

His frustration and thinking wouldn't let his mind rest enough for sleep. He carefully and slowly inched away from (Y/N)'s sleeping body, leaving her alone in the bed as he strolled to the window. At first his attention was on the moon brightly shining within the light years of empty darkness, but another thing caught his eye. A few figures, lazily lounging around a light post. He couldn't tell who they were, probably just another gang, people must've thought the same of his group the previous night.

He sighed and looked down to his feet, finally getting sleepy. He looked up for a moment, meeting his own gaze in the partially reflective windows. Yet a shiver was sent down his spine and a small gasp was let out as a second pair of eyes stared back at him. It was (Y/N). He sighed in relief,

"You scared me you damn idio-" he was cut off by his sister clasping a funky smelling cloth over his mouth. He instinctively panicked, a deep breath pulling the chemicals into his lungs. His energy drained quickly and his attempts to defend himself weakened, added to the fact he didn't want to hurt his sister. He dropped to the floor, carefully of course with the help of his sister. (Y/N) stared down at him for a bit before getting the rest of her plan in action. She limped to the bed, grabbing her crutches from the side before slipping a small note under his pillow for whenever he decided to find it. She frowned at her brothers unconscious body, finally able to rest.

"Goodbye Katsu," She whispered to him before placing a kiss to his forehead "I'll see you again soon."

(Y/N) left the house, turning her attention to the group under the light post. She got closer and closer before arms of a crazed blonde wrapped around her figure.

"(Y/N)!!~" Toga squealed, kissing said girl's cheek.

"Sorry, (Y/N). I assumed you were a target of the psycho." Said he scarred Male who gifted the large burn to her leg.

(Y/N) was about to speak before a crusty blue haired man blurred out in frustration.

"Come on! We have to get back already." His voice raspy and dark accompanied by his damaged hands scratching at his neck.

They all complied, Dabi now giving the injured (Y/N) a piggy back ride as a slow coming apologise.



Sorry it takes me so long to write these.
My motivation to do anything is extremely low.

Also might I ask.
Why do y'all like this so much holy potatoes!!??

Has more attention that what I wrote AGES ago XD

Well thank you all for kinda taking an interest to this book. It's really an achievement for me.

I apologise in advance the next chapter might be a while.

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