Chapter 10

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Three weeks.

Almost a month?

It's longer than you think.

Three agonisingly long weeks of Katsuki not knowing why his sister attacked him.

Three agonisingly long weeks of police and heroes looking for the young lost (Y/N).

Three weeks of (Y/N) being where she truly belongs. A found family of troubled runaway villains. Sounds cosy right?


"Yeah, well maybe if she actually had a purpose here then she wouldn't be in the way of everything!" Tomura screeched.

"Don't say that! She's a part of us, you crusty bitch!" Toga fired back.

"No she's not! She never will be! She's connected to the heroes, she'll betray us any chance she gets!"

"She's not like that, crusty cripple!"

"I'm right here you know..." (Y/N) intervened.

"Well we all wish you weren't here!"

"What did you say?!" Toga yelled before launching herself at the angry man.

"Get off you damned rat!" He protested.

"Cmon crazy." Says Dabi lazily as he peels Toga off Shigaraki,

"I had that under control, Dabi" Shiggy scoffed.

"Sure looks like it" Dabi rolled his turquoise eyes in return. Dabi releases the feral double-bunned shorty who instantly runs and clings onto none other than (Y/N).

"Don't listen to that meanie, (Y/N)." She says while continuing to latch on to her.

"Should I leave..?" (Y/N) asked.

"No!" She clutched (Y/N) tighter "No, no leaving hmph"

"Fine" (Y/N) chuckled, "should we go for a little walk, let the hand man calm down?"

"Yeah! We can go to a park!!" She blurted before letting go of the girls body and gripping her hand instead. She and (Y/N) left merrily into the dark outside.


"Bakugo, stop sulking! I'm sure she's fine! Cmon they'll find her eventually." Kaminari spoke to help cheer up the ash blonde boy.

"Oh yeah? Find her as a villain or find her dead body?" He fired back.


"Geez I know, give it up already," Bakugo stood making his way to the exit, " I'm going out. Don't you dare follow me."

"Wait you can't!-"

"Watch me, dunce face." He grumbled stepping out of the large doors leaving Kaminari alone. Katsuki wandered out of school grounds, anyone who he passed ignoring him due to the troubled face he was pulling. He wandered alone for hours, occasionally getting calls off of some of his classmates which he'd just text saying to stop calling. It was good enough confirmation that the blonde was still alive and safe so they did. He didn't really know what he was doing or where he was going, just hoping for the slightest chance of seeing his sister. Silly, right? Three weeks have past and he's hoping to run into her on a random street?! He didn't care. He wanted nothing more than to see her.

Toga and (Y/N), hand in hand, walking to where ever their feet took them. Eventually finding themselves at a small empty park, similar to the one before with Katsuki and his friends. They parted momentarily before intertwining their fingers once again, this time on a pair of swings.

"It's a little cold" (Y/N) shivered slightly, looking up at the stars. The rattle of chains sounded as Toga lifted from her seat, releasing their fingers and making her way over to the shivering female, standing quietly in front of her.

"Babe?" She asked, confused at her new placement. Until Toga finally took her move, sliding one leg into the gap between (Y/N)'s own leg and the swing chain, doing the same to the other leg before plopping down, straddling her girlfriends waist while squeezed onto the definitely-not-for-two swing. They wrapped their arms around each other, getting massively warmer in each others embrace. They fell to silence, enjoying each others company and the natural sounds of the coming night. Slow heavy footprints approaching the park, neither girls taking any notice mistaking it as just a person passing by. That peace broken all so suddenly a deep broken voice calling out the ones name.

"(Y-Y/N)..." Katsuki spoke, his voice cracking. "I-I found you?"


Thank you for being patient with me 🙏🙏

It's blowing my mind how many people are reading this 😂
I'm so glad you kept reading to this far, it means a lot to me.

So I have a big decision I need help with.

I've been stuck with two decisions so please help me out and vote for which path you'd like for this story!

1) Toga and (Y/N) continue being villains together...

2) (Y/N) and Toga go to the heroes and Toga starts a path of redemption...

Please vote XD I'm quite stuck and want to know what you'd prefer

Viper (Toga Himiko x Fem!Reader) DISCONTINUED !!Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant