Chapter Twenty-One: A Demon's Fury

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"You are early," Richard said as Ashley entered the house. Her coat was drenched and boots were covered in wet mud.

"I needed to be," she replied. With just a few graceful hand movements, Ashley controlled the water out of her clothes and shoes, leaving them spotlessly dry. Richard was amazed by how much Ashley had developed. A smile formed on his face when he remembered the first day they met. Back then, Richard knew that there was something mysterious about her but he would have never expected all this.

Richard reached for the left pocket of his black jeans and pulled out the note Ashley had given her.

It read:

Still can't fully transform... need your help.

He held the note between two of his fingers and flashed it at Ashley. She simply looked down.

"You don't have to be discouraged," Richard said. "Even Merfolk find it very difficult to change into their human forms. You were born a human, Ashley... and you've only been a mermaid for only three weeks. It makes sense if your merform hasn't fully manifested yet."

"I know but... Richard, the solstice is in three days and I feel I have to be ready for Sebastian. Meaning I have to be at full strength. And also..."

"And what?"

"I was thinking about Ethan and how he wasn't able to change into his merman form..."

Richard's right eyebrow involuntary rose.

"Don't tell me you think you're anything like him," he said, failing to hide the amusement in his voice.

"The thought has crossed my mind, Richard," Ashley said. She sat on the stairs and buried her face between her knees.

"And you already know about Stacy's prophesy," Ashley muffled voice said.

"Actually," Richard replied. "I know I should have mentioned this earlier but... Talya... One of the Ten... The last words she said to me were that someday I would meet a mermaid having the blue glow in her eyes and that on the Solstice that comes; she would be the key to Ethan's return."

Ashley slowly lifted her head and looked at Richard. There was a deep blue glow in her eyes.

"You mean these eyes," she said.

She stood up.

"Richard, what if all these things about me are true? Think about it... The Solstice, my unique blood, Sebastian and the Orb; all these are key ingredients in awakening Ethan. Stacy... even Talya's prophesies have been accurate up to this point... What makes you think they are wrong about the rest?"

"I don't know," Richard admitted. "But I do know that I will do everything within my power to stop Sebastian from awakening Ethan."

"Anything huh?" Ashley asked. "Well, then there is only one sure way of making sure you achieve that... You destroy the main ingredient... me."

Richard shook his head in disbelief. He walked to Ashley and held her by her shoulders.

"Ashley, did something happen? Why are you talking like this?" he said, raising his voice a bit.

"Richard, please," Ashley said. "Don't pretend as if you haven't thought about it."

Something was wrong. This wasn't the Ashley that Richard knew.

"You know what, you're right," Richard said, his voice firm. "I have thought about... I think about it every day. With you gone, Ethan never awakens but..."

"But what?"

Richard couldn't see a spark of emotion in Ashley's eyes.

"Ashley... I haven't had a friend for over fifty thousand years. Wherever I went darkness, death and destruction followed. You and your friends accepted me despite knowing what I am and believe me when I say that I am not ready to give up on that trust and... What's wrong?"

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