Chapter Twenty-Two: Ashley's Resolve

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Everything was blurry when Ashley opened her eyes. She was lying on hard, wet soil and could hear something; rushing water. She was near the ocean. Icy cold raindrops drenched her body and her clothes and her hands and legs were tied with thick ropes. It didn't hurt much but it was tight enough to hold her.

The last thing she remembered was Adrian and Richard. Her heart began to pound against her chest when everything started coming all back. Jacob was killed; killed by Adrian. Ashley remembered the look in Adrian's eyes. When he pointed that bow at her she was sure he would release it. But then Richard intervened and then...

"It seems you've awoken little one," a deep voice said.

That's right.

Ashley squinted her eyes and the blurry image began to take shape.

That's when she saw him; Sebastian. He held her shoulders, raised her upper body, and made her sit on the wet ground.

"I hope this feels more comfortable," he said with a small smile.

Ashley didn't answer. She was still lost in thought and getting a clear picture of her surroundings. She was at a familiar place; the cliff. This was her favorite place in the whole town. It was where she came whenever she wanted to be alone and it was also the place where she met Richard.

But this was also where Richard fought and defeated Ethan.

"What do you want with me?" she asked. It was a stupid question because she knew exactly what he wanted.

"You know what I want little one," Sebastian said. It was raining but Ashley could clearly hear his voice.

Ashley turned her face to the object glowing in Sebastian's hand. It was a glossy spherical orb with a glowing green cloud spiraling inside it.

"Is that Prometheus' Orb?" Ashley asked.

Sebastian stretched his hand near her.

"The largest Ethren stone in existence," he said. "Not many get to see it, let alone touch it."

The Orb was glowing even brighter when it was close to Ashley.

"A unique specie," Sebastian said. "The only one of your kind... The Orb recognizes you, Ashley Morgan."

"You know my name because of Jacob, don't you?" she said.

A spark of grief ignited in Sebastian's eyes.

"The boy's death was unfortunate," he said. He sat next to her and began to speak.

"You are probably wondering why I am doing all this... Trying to awaken someone the whole world thinks is nothing but pure evil."

"From what I've heard, all the realms consider Ethan as evil," Ashley replied.

Sebastian chuckled.

"Granted my master has never been what you may call a 'people person'," he said. "You know I was once like you... I used to hear the stories of the terrible Chimera even as a child. I belonged to a group of merfolk called Drifters. We were nomads but because of our belief that humans and merfolk could co-exist, we were usually shunned from society. When my father died I became the leader of the Drifters. I was gifted with power over the earth so I used my abilities to protect my people. You could say I had everything; good people who trusted me and I them, a wonderful and caring wife and the most loving daughter any father could ever hope for. I remember one time I was working on my Earth Manipulation techniques and I didn't notice that my little Serena nearby. A boulder hit her and she was badly hurt. I rushed her to a healer and I was relieved when I was told that she would be okay. I made a promise to her that day; that never again would I ever hurt a child. Everything was perfect until Richard Thane happened."

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