Chapter Three

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Hey guys! Just checking in :3
How are you liking the story so far? I'm always open to suggestions in the comments ;) also sorry if it takes a while to get a chapter out sometimes, I'm pretty busy with school lol
But anyway, here's chapter 3 :D

Draco's POV

I was still in the bathroom with this cat I found washing the mud off, all while admiring how pretty of a cat it was. As I was scrubbing it, it seemed to get more comfortable with me than when I had first picked it up. At some points, the cat was even purring.

Once I finished cleaning the cat thoroughly, I began to drain the tub and took the cat over to the counter where the sink is. I started dabbling a towel onto the cat, making sure not to hurt or scare it. He stared at me directly the whole time I did this, and I have to admit, it made me feel a bit uncomfortable. The cat's pupils in his eyes were huge and I wasn't sure if it was from fear or if it had just eaten catnip.

Harry's POV

Malfoy was very gentle when he dryed me off. I never thought that Malfoy of all people would be the one to take in a stray cat and care for it. This was a side that I had never seen.

I stared at him intensely while he continued to dry, not sure what to think. Should I be scared? After all, it is Malfoy, the one who had teased and bullied me my whole life. I could see that he felt uneasy when I stared at him like this, so I softened my gaze a bit. Why? I don't know.

He picked me up carefully, I squirmed a bit, and he once again cradled me in his arms. A weird feeling swept over my body as I got comfortable in Malfoys's arms. He looked down at me and smiled. Like a genuine smile. I had never seen him actually smile before, the best i'd seen is when he would smirk after a rude comment. But this, this was different.

I felt a strange feeling come over me as he smiled down at me. It was almost like I was enjoying it. No. Malfoy is my enemy, and it'll stay that way.

Malfoy brought me over to his bed and laid me down on it. He began to undress as if getting ready for bed. My eyes widened as I watched him take off his shirt, his pale skin slowly revealing itself. His bare abs were now exposed to the cold dungeon air, as he started to unbuckle his pants. My mouthed opened a bit, not being able to believe what was happening. I quickly turned my head so that I wasn't staring at him getting undressed.

Now that he was just in his boxers, he picked me up, and if I was human right now my face would be red as a tomato. He placed me on the pillow that he laid on the floor for me, then slipped into bed under the covers. I watched intently as Malfoy slowly drifted off into sleep. His lips slightly parted and there was faint snoring. That's when I quietly slipped out the room.

Draco's POV

I woke up and looked to my left expecting a black cat to be curled up on the floor beside me, but there was no cat to be seen. I sat up, looking around, but no cat. Sighing, I got out of bed to get ready for breakfast. I was putting on my cloak and started brushing my teeth I wonder where he went, I thought to myself, when did he leave?

At breakfast, I sat down in my usual spot at the Syltherin table with Crabbe and Goyle. "Why do you smell like a cat" Crabbe asked me as he plucked a short cat hair off of my robes. Crabbe and Goyle looked at me and goyles eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"I found a stray cat outside and decided to care for it for the night... It looked lonely..." I looked down at my robes, preparing myself for any comments coming my way

"HAH!" Crabbe laughed and Goyle joined in with "A MALFOY! CARING! AHAHAHAHAHA" they continued to laugh as I calmly stood up and walked out of the great Hall.

I couldn't help but feel like someone was watching me...

Harry's POV

I watched as Malfoy walked away from the howling Syltherins, and out of the great hall.

I was kind of curious as to where he was going, since he has a spare right now. I excused myself from breakfast and quickly caught up to Malfoy who was now speed walking through the hallways. I stealthily followed him only to find that he had made his way outside.

What if... I thought as I ducked into a dark corner. I hastily tried to focus on what I was doing, and soon I could feel myself transforming. My ears went from small and round to a medium size and furry. Soon enough, I was my cat form again.

I walked outside and looked around, but Malfoy was nowhere to be seen. Quickly, I scampered up a tree and scanned the courtyard once more. I soon spotted a mop of platinum hair rested on a pair of knees in the corner.

I made my way over to Malfoy, and as I got closer I could hear sobbing noises getting louder. I brushed my face against his leg, and he looked up from his knees. His eyes were bloodshot, and his face was drenched in tears. Seeing him like this made me feel sad for some reason. I know that we're enemies and shit, but I can't bear to see him like this.

He scooped me up and placed me in his lap, facing towards him. He gently stroked my head and I purred as his soft hands ran through my fur. His silver eyes looked so beau- wait, what am I saying.

For a few seconds everything was calm, he even smiled. But shortly after, he burst into tears again. I tilted my head to the side as of to ask 'whats wrong?'. "I know I'm a Malfoy, and Malfoy's can't show emotion blah blah blah" he started in between sobs "it's a fucking cat for Christ's sake! So now I can't even have a pet?" I could see anger building in his eyes, wiping out the tears as it did. "God, I wish I wasn't born into this family..." And with that he leaned his head back on to the wall behind him.


Ron, Hermione, and I arrived at potions just as class was about to start and we all took our seats quickly. I walked over to the empty chair by Malfoy and sat slightly closer than usual. He noticed this little detail and glared at me from the corner of his eye, but didn't move away.

Draco's POV

I watched as Potter sat considerably closer to me than usual, which was strange, but didn't bother me all that much.

Once Snape was done talking, I started ordering Potter around. Telling him what to chop, how to chop it, and what not. I couldn't help but feel like he was looking at me from the corner of his eye, but everytime I turned towards him he looked away.

Potions is over and everyone began to file out of the classroom to hurry to the next. I glanced at Potter as we were leaving, and this time he didn't look away. He instead kept his eyes locked with mine and smirked. I was taken aback by it, and he must've seen that, because he laughed before he scurried out of the dungeons.

What was that about?


Aight that's the end of chapter 3 :)

Sorry it took so long to get out, I'm pretty busy with school and I'm working on two other drarry fics as well 😏😏

But anyways, cya next time

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