Chapter Five

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Draco's POV

Today when I got to potions I sat down in my usual spot, right beside Potter's. I sighed and slouched into my chair, remembering the last time I saw him and how I blushed. I still don't why that happened.

There's about 5 minutes until class starts and people start filing in. When Granger and the Weasel walk in, I notice that Potter isn't with them. Granger spots me immediately and stomps toward me aggressively.

"Where is Harry?" She slammed her hand down onto my desk, causing my pencil to jump "Why the fuck would I know?" I answered putting my hands in the air as if surrendering the conversation.

"Because he said he was with you yesterday" she continued and Weasley walked up behind her with his arms crossed. When was I with Potter yesterday? He wasn't even at potions, I didn't see him all day. "I don't know what you're talking about, I haven't seen Potter since the last time he was at potions" I snapped back.

"Well-" Granger started but was cut off by Snape "Take a seat, Miss Granger" she sat down "5 points from Gryffindor for interrupting the class" Granger huffed and crossed her arms, still glaring at me.

Why would Potter say that he was with me when he clearly wasn't? I have so many questions and my mind is boggled with things to think about. I need to organize my thoughts, but it's too noisy here with all of the students starting to brew their potions. I rose my hand and Snape called on me "Can I use the bathroom" he dismissed me and I scurried to the nearest washroom in this floor.

As I got nearer to the bathroom entrance, muffled crying was getting louder. I slowly opened the door, careful not to startle the person, and walked in cautiously. In the corner of the room I saw a human figure holding itself in an egg shape on the ground. I started to approach it.

Harry's POV

I'm so confused.

I think I like Malfoy.

No, I don't.

I don't know anymore.

I sat in the corner of the bathroom bunched up in a ball with my head resting in my knees. I've been sobbing like this for probably about two hours now.

He's hot. literally everything about him. From the way he smirks when he talks, to how he'll push back his glowing platinum hair. His eyes are so nice to look at, the blue flecks in a misty silver casing.

I know he's mean to me and I'm mean to him, but he does it in a way that's almost joking, sometimes I can't take him seriously (other than when the fights get physical). For the past month or so as I've been visiting him as a cat, he's shown a whole new side of Malfoy. He's shown me Draco. His vulnerability, and his flaws. That's what I like about him.

I sighed deeply and I heard a floorboard beside me creak. I glanced out of my knees a bit, and saw a pair of feet! I quickly started wiping my tears away as the person standing there began to crouch down.


Shit. It's Malfoy.

Draco's POV

I crouched down beside the boy on the ground quite close to him. He seemed to notice me and began to hastily wipe tears from his eyes.

I noticed a pair of glasses on the ground beside him. Round glasses. Potter. I tried saying his name "Potter?" But instead of a response the boy slightly shook his head side to side, causing his already un-combed hair to fall into his face and he froze.

I hesitantly placed a hand on his shoulder. His head very slowly turned to face me. His glossy fear filled eyes met mine, and I just stared. They're an absolutely beautiful shade of emerald green that sparkle in the dim light of the men's restroom.

He stared back at me for a few seconds before his bottom lip began to tremble, and tears swelled up in his eyes once again. He covered his face with the palms of his hands and a broken sob was heard as he shifted himself, causing him to move farther away.

I adjusted myself to move towards him, closer than I was before, our knees almost touching. Potter's breath hitched as I gently placed my arm onto his back, starting to rub my hand in circular motions. He was tense, I could feel it, but he eventually eased into my touch.

Around ten minutes later, he had calmed down and was (without realizing) leaning on me.

Although I would never admit it, Potter is nice to cuddle with. He's very warm.

I don't know when it started, but lately I had been finding people more attractive than usual, particularly men. Potter was an ideal specimen when it comes to the male body, and his face is definitely not ugly. In fact, it's quite the opposite.

I'm trying to enjoy this moment while it lasts, for there may never be another one like it.

Potter closed his eyes. I know how tired crying can make you, so I didn't object.

"Potter?" I whispered to make sure he was still awake "Mmm?" He hummed in response "Well, I was wondering," I spoke softly "what made you sad in the first place?" He sat up again and turned towards me slightly, sitting cross legged.

"I- I guess you could call it, self-conflict..." He looked up at me quickly and then back down to his feet where his shoelaces had suddenly become very interesting. I could tell he was blushing heavily, and he was trying to hide it. "Conflict..." I echoed, what does he mean?

Potter took a deep intake of air "So there's this person," he looked up at me, head still down only moving his eyes, and met my gaze once again "and this... person... Has always been apart of my life, and I never thought anything of it really. Well, that is, until recently" I nodded as if to tell him to continue "this person is constantly messing with my emotions, and isn't known for being very nice to me, but lately I've seen a different side of them. The cute, and caring side. I like them but I don't know if it's serious"

I sat there speechless with my mouth slightly open, looking for words of advice for him. Whoever he's describing must be a lucky person. Potter thinks pretty highly of them.

"Well," I started after a moment of silence "whoever this is, you should try to spend more time with them. Getting to know them might help you figure out your feelings towards them." He kept his head down as he let out a deep sigh. I placed my hand delicately on his knee and he looked at my hand before looking back to my face.

"It'll be ok. Whatever ends up happening, I'm sure the person will accept it." I removed my hand from his knee and started to stand up. I stuck my hand out to help him up and he took it right away. As he was getting up I talked again "if you ever need someone to talk to... I'm always here" I trailed off towards the end and he stared at me with wide eyes and a small smile forming.

He stood staring at me for a bit with an adorable smile on his face. Sadly, I have to ruin the moment "Potter we should probably get to class now that we've skipped potions" his smile disappeared as he muttered out an "...ok". I looked down at my hand "Uh Potter?" He's been holding it since I helped him stand up. He also looked down at his hand and blushed before quickly snatching it away from mine. He headed for the door "See ya around then?" And he nodded before exiting the bathroom.


So there's the end of chapter 5
Hope you guys are enjoying it so far (。•̀ᴗ-)✧
I've been trying to write this more, since I haven't been updating very much due to school. :/
But anyways, Goodnight my beans ( ꈍᴗꈍ) I shall see y'all next time

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