Chapter Fourteen

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Ron's POV

I woke up this morning and sat up in my bed, expecting to see Harry across the room in his own bed, but he was nowhere to be seen. He was there last night went I went to sleep... Who knows where he is, he's never here anymore.

Ever since that day in the room of requirement when he first became the cat, he's been gone a lot.

I smirked.

Harry admitted to hanging out with Malfoy. Hell, he even admitted to liking Malfoy! I was right all along.

I wonder if they're together right now. That would explain his sudden absence...

* * *

Harry's POV

I snuck back into the Gryffindor common room. It's now dinner, and everyone seems to be there.

I walk up to the boys dormitories, still smiling from the days events. I kissed Draco, and he kissed me back. After the... Partly intimate stuff we did... we sat there on the astronomy tower talking and cuddling--like we've been friends forever, like we were in love.

I opened the door to my room, hoping Ron wouldn't be there, but half expecting him to be.

Sure enough, sitting on his bed opposite of mine, was Ron. He had his legs crossed over the side of his bed and a blueberry muffin in his left hand. His eyes lit up when I walked into our room. I rolled my eyes and sat on the edge of my bed facing Ron. He took a bite of the muffin, then set it aside on his bedside desk and folded his arms. He looked over at me and raised an eyebrow.

I sighed and braced myself for the question.

"So..." Ron started "where have you been all day?" He grinned widely and propped his head up on his right arm which now held itself up on his thigh.

"None of your business..." I began, but was cut off by Ron

"BULLSHIT, You were with Malfoy. Weren't you." He stood up and started pacing back and forth on the spot.

I felt my face go very hot. I probably went a deep shade of red, like Ron's hair.

"I- I uh..." I stammered, trying to get away from the topic.

Ron looked up at my flustered figure, grinning widely. He pointed a finger at me,

"YOU WERE! I knew it! You're face is literally a tomato right now, why else would it be." He shouted in my direction. I covered my face with my hands, not being able to bear the embarrassment at the moment.

I could hear Ron's footsteps getting closer until I felt a dip in the bed beside me. I looked up to him sitting right next to me, still smiling broadly. I rolled my eyes but turned to face him anyway, pulling my legs onto the bed in the process so I'm now sitting with my legs crossed.

"Good on you, mate!" Ron stated. He must have seen my confused expression, because he continued on,

"You spent the whole day with Malfoy. That's progress."

I looked down at my hands and smiled to myself.

"...yeah" I said softly to no one in particular, remembering the events of the day.

Ron patted my shoulder, grabbing my attention and bringing me back to reality and out of my thoughts.

"As your best friend..." Ron started with a smirk "I think I should get to know everything that happened. Ya know, the juicy parts." He wiggled his eyebrows.

I shoved his arm and we both laughed.

"No but seriously, what did happen? Something must have happened if you were together that long."

I blushed even more than before.

"I- uh- we might've- well I guess-" I stumbled over my words, Ron huffed in annoyance.

"...we kissed." I finally blurted out, quietly, but I still said it.

Ron's mouth hung open for a second before it formed a smile again.

"Nice, mate! Who made the first move? Ya know what, I bet it wasn't Malfoy. He's gotten better, but he's still a bloody coward isn't he."

I laughed at this comment.

"Yeah, I did. And uh-" I looked down at my thumbs as I twiddled them "we might've- we might've gone a bit further..."

I told Ron everything we did.

"So... Basically you humped each other." Ron remarked after the story.

My face went redder than before, if that's even possible, and I covered my face with my hands. Ron kept talking,

"See, what did I say? Progress. I swear on the grave of--i don't fucking know--my dead rat, if you say anything like 'maybe he doesn't like me though' I will slap you." He said when I tried to interrupt. "You liked it, he liked it. Sounds like you should be in a relationship if you ask me." He leaned back on his hands and looked towards me.

Ron hit my knee with the back of his hand "You gotta muster up some courage, mate. This isn't going anywhere unless one of you dumbasses smartens up."

I slouched back onto my hands, copying how Ron was sitting. I sighed dramatically, Ron rolled his eyes at me.


Without warning, I stood up. Ron furrowed his eyebrows and looked at me confusedly.

"Where are you going now?" He asked.

"I- uh- I just remembered I gotta go do...something-"

Ron glared at me.

"Where are you going." He asked once again.

"Ok, fine. I forgot to ask Draco to meet me again." I could feel my face heat up, but I ignored it and grabbed my invisibility cloak and the marauders map. When I looked over at Ron, he was wearing a huge smile for what seems like the millionth time since this conversation started.

"Go get your mans, Harry" Ron said proudly before I turned out the door. I huffed and waved as I slipped under the cloak, map in hand.

I duck behind a wall and point my wand at the blank piece of parchment.

"I solemnly swear that I am up to no good" I whispered at the paper. The map started to appear, and with it so did everybody's names. I scanned all of Hogwarts until my eyes landed on his name. Draco Malfoy. Of course he's just in the great hall, he mentioned how he was kind of hungry before we went our separate ways.

"Mischief managed" the map returned to a blank paper, I shoved it in my back pocket as I started for the great hall. Dinner should be almost over by now, so by the time I get there hopefully I'll be able to catch Draco and pull him aside.

I stood right outside the great hall entrance, people were beginning to file out and head back to their respective house dorms. I watched in silence as more and more people trickled out.

Then, I saw platinum blonde.


Hi everyone :)
So this took way longer than I thought, with all of this Covid stuff happening it's been difficult to adjust to a new lifestyle and I'm sorry that I haven't had enough time to write as much as I used to. I hope everyone is staying healthy, and stay safe.

I'll see y'all next time 💖

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