Chapter Eleven

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Harry's POV

After collecting myself in the bathroom, I had missed breakfast so I decided to just head to potions. I made my way down to the dungeons, barely making it to class on time. I smiled to myself as I walked into the classroom,

We have class with the Slytherins.

I saw Draco already seated at his station beside mine, waiting patiently for class to start. Ron and Hermione were also there and they both gave me questioning glances as I walked to my seat; I ignored them, I'll explain why I was late after. Plus, they don't have enough time to get up and consult me right now.

Once I was seated and hunched over to start getting my books out of my backpack, I felt eyes on me. I quickly turned my head and sat up again. I was met with a surprised Draco inches from my face, as he had not expected me to turn so fast. We stayed there for a brief moment, frozen on the spot, my eyes transfixed on his beautiful silver eyes. They glimmered down at me as I felt my face heat up for the second time that day. He too was turning the slightest bit pink. Draco began pulling his face away from mine, gathering himself and putting a smirk on his face. Before he completely turned back to face the front, I felt a warmth on my left thigh. I looked down and saw his pale hand retreating from my leg.

The class continued as usual with me not paying attention to anything that Snape was saying while staring at Draco, and Draco looking spectacular as he focused on the questions that Snape threw our way. There was one time when I was called on to answer a question, but was too busy to catch what it was causing Gryffindor to lose five points.


After potions; Ron and Hermione tried to get my attention before I left, but I shrugged them off and went straight to the Gryffindor common room. They too had a spare right now, so I knew that I would have to face them soon but I wanted to get back as fast as I could to start picking out what I'll wear tonight.

Draco's POV

I could feel Harry staring at me all through potions, so I tried my best to pose for him. I mean; I don't blame him, how could you resist a face this beautiful.

He always gets adorably flustered from even the slightest contact; like earlier when I lightly touched his thigh, or when he turned and our faces ended up being so close. I have to admit, I too went a bit red.

I had a small nap before potions, so now I'm fully rested and ready for anything that Harry might throw my way tonight. I still have some other classes today, but after everything is over I have to prepare for tonight.

Harry's POV

I was sitting on my bed when Ron and Hermione rushed into my room.

"Oi, where were you at breakfast mate?" Ron asked as he sat down on my bed next to me. I glanced over at Hermione, who was now sitting beside Ron and across from me, and back to Ron. I took a deep breath "well, if I'm going to tell you, theres a bit of a story that goes with it. Hermione, you already know it." I turned towards Ron.

"Ok, remember that time that I turned into a cat?" He nodded as for me to continue. I told Ron everything that has happened with Draco, closing my eyes when I was finished while I waited for any nasty insults. When I looked up, he had a grin that went from ear to ear.

"I KNEW IT!" He exclaimed excitedly as he pointed at Hermione. "YOU OWE ME 20 GALLEONS" I looked puzzledly at Hermione as she blushed.

"Y-you guys had a bet?" I asked, turning my head to the side in confusion "Yes. I told Hermione that you and Draco we're gonna end up fucking, I mean, there's so much tension between you two, and she didn't believe me, so I made a bet with her."

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