Chapter Ten

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Jeez, sorry this one took me so long :/ exams are now over, so I will try to write more :)

Anyway, here's chapter ten—Enjoy!

Harry's POV

I ran out of the Astronomy tower with a huge smile plastered permanently on my face. Through the hallways I went, almost tripping down the stairs on the way down.

I quickly whispered the password to the fat lady, and ran into the common room.

"HERMIONEEEEE" I yelled when I burst through the door. She came running down the stairs from the girl's dormitory a few seconds after, a panicked look on her face.

"What's wrong?" She ran over to me and began checking my face for scratches. When she didn't find any, she stopped and furrowed her eyebrows. I giggled and fell onto the couch.

Hermione raised an eyebrow and sat down beside me "Are you high?" She asked looking genuinely concerned.

"No!" I exclaimed and lightly slapped her arm. She began to stare into the distance, obviously deep in thought. A few minutes passed; a grin crept across Hermione's face. She turned towards me again "Did you see Malfoy," she smirked when I nodded "tell me everything."

That's exactly what I did.

"...and then he touched foreheads with meeeee" I was smiling so much it might be unhealthy. Hermione was laughing at how childish I'm being, but I don't care.

"AND HE CALLED ME HARRY! Hermione, he said that I could call him Draco..." I started blushing, thinking about how I'm basically fan-girling to Hermione about something that's not that big of a deal.

She was grinning like a maniac along with me "Harry this is a big step! You guys are on a first name basis! He obviously likes you back, I mean he basically confessed when he touched your forehead with his"

I slouched into the couch, my hair falling into my face. Hermione looked over at me as I began to speak "But what if he was just being nice? I think he was just letting me know that he had known I was the cat for a while... He didn't say anything regarding me confessing. He just smiled."

Hermione sighed and stood up. She looked down at me "Sometimes you really are an idiot" she turned, flicking her hair, and walked back upstairs to the girls' dormitory.


The next morning; Ron, Hermione and I got ready and went down to the Great Hall for breakfast. We went through the winding hallways and many changing staircases, until finally we were almost there.

At some point I must have fallen behind Ron and Hermione, because they are now walking in front of me. I sped up to try to catch up with them; turning my head to look behind me when I thought I heard something. I was close to full-on running towards my friends with my head turned when—BAM

I ran right into Draco.

He stumbled back a few feet with a scowl on his face, but when he looked down at me his face softened. 

"Ma-Draco i'm so sorry i-i i wasn't looking where I was going and-" Draco stepped closer and placed his hands on my shoulders, my face reddened "Harry," he started as he leaned in close to my ear. Once again I felt like a million butterflies were unleashed in my stomach "Check your pocket" he whispered. Draco then stood back up and straightened his back, looking me right in my eyes with his silver eyes. He playfully hit my shoulder before strutting down the rest of the hallway and out of sight.

Still dazed from what had just happened, it took me a minute to realize what he said: Check your pocket

I reached into my pocket and, sure enough, there was a little piece of paper with a note written in green ink on it:


Same place, Same time. Bring a pillow.

- Draco

That sneaky son of a bitch.

When did he slip this into my pocket? ah, whatever. The important part is that Draco wants to meet up again. Wait... bring a pillow? Why does he want me to bring a pillow?


Draco's POV

I Started walking away, a smirk on my face, leaving Harry standing in the middle of the hallway.

He immediately blushed when I lent in to slip the note in his pocket... He's so cute.

The note tells him to meet me back at the Astronomy tower, but I wrote the note how I did in case somebody finds it; they won't know where to look. Hopefully Harry is smart enough to know where to go, he can be quite oblivious at times.

He needs to bring a pillow because, well, the Astronomy tower really is beautiful at night and I don't want him to be uncomfortable.

Now the only problem I have to deal with, is making up a believable lie to tell Blaise and Pansy. If I'm going to be gone for a few hours, they're going to question me. There's no doubt about that. Or maybe if I just sneak out? I guess time will tell.

Walking faster out of excitement, I took the familiar path down to the dungeons and into the Slytherin common room. I went to breakfast early today so that when Harry and his friends showed up, nobody would see me with him. I had also taken some treacle tart for later and someone might have questioned why I wanted it, since it really isn't my favourite... But I know it's Harry's. I noticed that whenever there's treacle tart on the table, he'll go for it first.

I walked up the stairs into my room and lied down on my bed. If I'm going to look somewhat presentable tonight, I need some rest.

I closed my eyes and drifted off into a quiet sleep.


Harry's POV

After Draco gave me that note, I didn't go into the great Hall. I went straight for the nearest bathroom. I was blushing heavily, and if my friends saw, then they would want to know why... And I don't think I'm going to tell them about tonight. I don't want them to make a big deal out of it, or randomly show up at the Astronomy tower.

I walked over to one of the sinks and started running the cold water. Tucking the note back into my pocket, I leaned overtop of the water. I felt the warmth disappearing from my face as I splashed the icy water on my face.

I looked up into the mirror at my dripping face and smiled. Draco wants to meet again...


That's the end of chapter 10, hope you're enjoying the story so far! :D
See y'all beans next time :)

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