Chapter Four

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Harry's POV

I walked out of the dungeons after potions in a pretty good mood. I looked over at Malfoy and he caught my eye with his. He stared at me, his silver eyes peircing my soul, and I stared back. He tilted his head in confusion and turned away blushing.

I headed back to the Gryffindor dorms, more confused and lost then ever. Why is Malfoy acting like this? I sat on the couch drowning out everything with my own thoughts.

I didn't even notice Hermione and Ron walk in until they sat beside me "Hey mate, what's wrong?" Ron said as he placed his books on the table in front of them "what do you mean?" I asked as I snapped out of my thoughts. Hermione smiled at me "there's obviously something on your mind" I looked up and saw her furrow her eyebrows in confusion "I- I'm just tired" I said, getting up and heading to my room. I didn't look back, as tears began swelling in my eyes. I closed the door behind me and curled up on my bed. I hugged my knees close to my chest, and let out muffled sobs into my knees. I heard footsteps and then voices trying to be quiet outside of the door.

"No Ron, don't."

"It's my room too!"

"He needs some time."

I tried to dry my tears a bit, but they just kept flowing. I don't know why I'm crying, but apparently I'm not able to stop.

Draco's POV

I got back to my room (which I shared with Blaise) and collapsed on my bed. I let out a huge sigh. What just happened?

My cheeks are still lightly dusted with pink from blushing earlier. Why did I blush? It's Potter, he's my enemy, why did I blush? Maybe his brilliant green eyes remind me of an ex?

Blaise walked in and sat on his bed. He looked me and raised an eyebrow. "Someone's had a long day" he started. I sighed again "...yeah" he tilted his head "what hap-" "I don't want to talk about it" I cut him off before I walked out of the room leaving him more puzzled than before.

I quickly walked down the hallway, making my way outside. I love being outdoors, it's where I find my peace. I plopped myself down underneath a tree and let myself go loose. My hair wasn't gelled back today, so it fell over my face and I slouched against the trunk of the tree exhausted from the eventfull day I just had.

I could feel tears burning in my eyes, when something furry brushed against my side. I looked down to see the little black cat brushing it's face on me. It looked up at me it's green eyes almost glowing in the evening light. It shook its head a bit, something I've noticed it does often, and meowed slightly.

I smiled down at it as I gently picked it up and placed it on my lap, the cat seemed to be half smiling back. I stroked it's cheek and it purred into my hand. I brought the cat into my arms and cradled it close to my chest, somehow just holding this cat made me feel better. The cat looked up at me, and in that moment all was well.

I rested my head back on the tree while petting the cat. The cat turned his head quickly and it's ears twitched in different directions, as if listening to something. That's when I heard a voice "Dray, where are you?" It was Pansy. I rolled my eyes as I put the cat down and made my way over to her. Ugh she's the most clingy person I know, honestly can I not even have an hour alone?

Harry's POV

I watched as Malfoy rolled his eyes and walked over to Parkinson. I shuddered at the loss of warmth from my body against his. Is this wrong? Do I really have a crush on him? He is my enemy after all. Plus, I'm not gay... Right?

I walked back into the school and ducked behind a wall before changing back into myself. I went back to the Gryffindor dorms trying to hide the huge smile that hanging out with Malfoy gives me. I whispered the password to the fat lady, who gladly let me in, and walked into the common room. I only got through the doorway before Hermione stopped me "And where have you been?" She asked as she crossed her arms. Ron came running to her side and rose one of his eyebrows at me. I realized that he's the only one that knows I can transform, and I instantly got scared. What has he told Hermione?

I tried to walk past them, but Hermione grabbed my arm keeping me in place. She gave me a 'well?' look and went back to crossing her arms "can- can we talk about this somewhere else where there isn't" I gestured to the room "other people" she scrunched up her nose before grabbing my wrist and dragging me out of the room with Ron trailing behind us.

She led us to the library and sat me down in one of the chairs at the table in the corner of the room. Her and Ron sat across from me and were both leaning on the table excitedly awaiting my answer.

What do I tell them? Hey Hermione I can turn into a cat and now I have a crush on Malfoy and I'm his pet. I laughed slightly at the thought, causing Hermione and Ron to look at each other worriedly.

I brought my face back to a serious one "I- I was with Malfoy" Hermione gasped "Are you hurt??" She grabbed my head, turning it in all directions checking for scratches. When she didn't find any, she sat back down and her eyes squinted trying to figure out what I meant. "We were just talking, that's all..." my voice became quiet towards the end. Ron burst out into laughter "PFFT AHAHAHA YOU, AND MALFOY, HAVING A CIVIL CONVERSATION?? AHAHHAHAHA" Hermione slapped his arm and he yelped before wiping the tears away from laughing so hard.

I looked down at my feet and left the table. Not putting my head back up, I exited the library, leaving them to their thoughts.


That's the end of this chapter

Sorry it took FOREVER, school sucks and it's busy (๑•﹏•)

I'll try to write more though

See y'all next time 💞

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