Chapter Twelve

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Wow, over 400 views :D I'm glad y'all are reading, thanks for the support :>
Sorry my updating schedule is so wack, I'm very bad at keeping things consistent :/
But anyway here's chapter twelve :)


Harry's POV

My eyes fluttered open as the sun began to break through the dark night sky. A sudden pain in my back occured when I tried to move. I remembered that I had slept on a concrete floor, which is probably not very good for my spine, and is what caused the pain.

I tried to sit myself up, but something was holding me in place.

Draco's arms are wrapped around my torso, our legs are intertwined with each others in a way that would require both of us to be awake to untangle; and, now that I'm more aware of my surroundings, I notice how incredibly close our faces are.

My face instantly went red, from embarrassment, or maybe excitement? I'll never know. After putting my glasses back on I lied back down beside Draco's sleeping figure, maybe a bit closer than before, admiring everything about him. Taking in every detail, crevice, and bump on his skin. The way his face looks so relaxed and stress free like this, how he wasn't scowling. He might have even been smiling in the slightest, how beautiful his hair looks not gelled back, how his smooth face practically glows in the dawn light, his lips parted in the smallest as the cherry on top.

Oh, how badly I want to kiss him right now. He's so beautiful, I can't believe that this masterpiece of a living being would even want to be near my trash-face.

I smiled contently and lifted my hand, bringing it up to Draco's head. I start pushing lost strands of hair from his face and tucking them behind his ear, exposing his sharp jawline and the tiny freckles hidden on the side of his neck. I trace my finger over the small dots, connecting them in my imagination.

My fingers trail up the side of his face, and everywhere they could touch without waking Draco. I wanted to feel as much of him as I could.
When I get back to his hair for the second time, I look back to his face.

His eyes are open and a small grin lays on his face. I immediately freeze as we lock eyes. He reaches up to where my hand is frozen in his hair, and pulls my hand down to in front of him. He looks at me softly, almost with puppy-dog eyes, and brings my hand closer to his face.

I stare at Draco as I feel his hot breath on my hand. He stoops his head and kisses my hand.

A million sensations ran through my body all at once when his lips made contact.
Butterflies in my stomach,
Heat in my cheeks,
It's like he's a thundercloud, and when we cross paths he sends a wave of lightning through me.

Weaving our fingers together and placing his other arm around me, he spoke "Good morning" his voice still raspy with sleep which, let me tell you, is hot as fuck.

I was at a loss for words, so I ended up staring deeply into his misty silver eyes. The sun was just starting to rise, hitting his face just right making his eyes sparkle, and his hair shine.

He broke the silence,

"Has anyone ever told you how beautiful you are?" Draco met my gaze once again, his eyes seemingly glued to mine.

"I- uh- no. No one ever has..." I said quietly and looked down, breaking our stare-down.

"Well," he started leaning in "I'm telling you now." He placed two fingers under my chin and lifted my head to look at him "You are beautiful, Harry. I want you to know that."

What happened after was unexpected by both of us. Maybe it was his soft, pink, lips so close to mine; or maybe it was the way he was talking, I don't know. What I do know, is that kissing Draco Malfoy is one of the greatest things I've ever experienced.

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