Chapter Six

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Harry's POV

After talking with Malfoy in the bathroom, I'm even more confused. The way he talked so gently to me when he saw I was in pain, how he rubbed my back and let me lean on him. He was even letting me hold his hand before I left! Sometimes I feel like he does it on purpose, messes with my feelings so that It'll be easier to defeat me in the future. Like it's all one big game. How am I supposed to figure out my feelings by spending more time with him, if he doesn't even want to be near me normally.

I sighed. I don't want to go to class right now. Even if I do go, my brain is too puzzled to obtain anything.

I decided to head back to our dorms.


I got back to my room (which I shared with Ron) and plopped myself down on my bed. From my bed I had a clear view of outside because of the window. A group of Ravenclaw's, who most likely have a spare, were sitting around a tree. They looked like they were having fun because they were laughing hysterically. One of the girls from the group dragged a guy from the circle and they ran off into the school together. They're probably going off somewhere to snog. I let out a little laugh before returning my eyes to the window. I scanned the courtyard again, and my heart stopped when I saw an occupied bench. A head of blonde hair sat there with an open book on his lap.

I ran out of my room, through the Gryffindor common room, and down stairs where I ducked behind a wall. I focused my attention to magic, and soon felt myself transforming...

Draco's POV

I have a spare right now so I thought it would be nice to relax outside for a bit. Reading is one of my favourite pass-times, I only do it when I'm alone though. I sat myself on one of the benches out in the courtyard and opened my book, letting my mind slip away into the land of imagination.

I sat with one leg crossed over the other with my book resting on my lap. I was on the last page of the book, and once I read the last word I slowly closed it and set it on the bench beside me. I ran a hand through my hair and I felt a sudden warmth on my leg. The black cat that comes around every so often had settled on my leg. I smiled down at it and scooped it up.

I cradled the cat in my arms and stroked its head softly. The cat purred and looked up at me with its... Green...eyes. Green eyes? I froze. His eyes remind me very much of a certain Gryffindor. The cat shook its head from side to side a bit. Earlier in the bathroom, Potter had shaken his head just like that.

This was getting weird. It can't be that this cat is Harry Potter. No. Although that would explain why he hasn't been in class a lot... And why Granger said that he was with me yesterday.


Potter is my pet cat. I placed the cat on my lap and stared at it with wide eyes. It turned its head to the side confusedly and meowed. I cupped my hand on his cheek and he melted into my touch. This can't be true. How could Potter be the cat? Maybe I'm just overthinking...

Besides, Potter hates me. Right?

Harry's POV

Malfoy sat me on his lap and looked at me with a shocked and confused expression. What's he thinking about? I wondered to myself.

I tried to speak but all that came out was a soft meow and Malfoy's expression went from a mix of emotions to a relaxed smile. He lightly caressed my cheek and I purred into it, closing my eyes and enjoying the moment.

Malfoy was mumbling to himself. So quietly that I could only hear pieces of it even with my enhanced cat hearing.

" Potter?"

My eyes shot open and I glanced at Malfoy. He was staring directly at me, as if awaiting a reaction. He took in a short breath when I responded to Potter. Shit is he on to me?

He shook his head and cupped his hands around my face. Malfoy brought his head down and directed mine upward. He closed his eyes and his cold, soft nose tenderly touched with mine. He smiled and pulled away.

He set me aside and stood up before making his way inside. What just happened? Did he figure out that I AM the cat? And if he did, why would he do such an affectionate action after discovering who I was?

I want to scream. Very loudly.

I can't handle any more thinking, especially about Malfoy. Well, there really is no more thinking to be done about him. I know now,

I'm madly in love with him.


REEEEEE that's the end of this one :)
Sorry it's a bit short, but I actually had time to write so I did.
School leaves me with little to no time to write. ಥ‿ಥ

I hate school with a passion
Can school just like, fuck off for once? (┛◉Д◉)┛彡┻━┻

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