Chapter Eight

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Draco's POV

I watched Potter walk up the stairs, away from me. I lowered my hand from the air; it had remained where his face had been, savouring every moment that I could. I don't know what had come over me. I couldn't bear to see him like that; tears falling, lip quivering, hands shaking.

I felt the need to touch him, make sure he was ok. The way he looked at me... What was it? Hate? Confusion?... What I felt...

I shook my head, trying to shake all of my thoughts away for now. He's my enemy. he hates me. I shouldn't have done that. what would my father say if he found out?

I turned and walked around the corner, passing a smiling Hermione. Why's SHE so happy?

I glared at her intensely, causing her to wince and look away. I continued on my way, I don't want to be late for potions; my best class.

Hermione's POV

I was chasing Harry down the hallways, he doesn't deserve to be alone in hard times, when after what felt like hours I had caught up to him. Only, he wasn't alone. He and Malfoy stood by the staircase, unusually close. It looks like Malfoy... has a hand on Harry's cheek?

A smile crept across my face as I slightly ducked behind the corner to avoid being seen; still peeking enough to watch the show. Despite wanting to squeal very loudly right now, I keep my cool and stay hidden.

I watch as Malfoy inches towards Harry, his hand still on Harry's face, holding my breath and predicting what might happen next. It's not until there's little space separating their faces, that Harry takes a step back; tears flowing down his cheeks once again. Malfoy looked both shocked and sad from Harry's reaction to his advancements, and as Harry turned to go up the stairs he whispered something that made Harry glance back for barely a second before sprinting up the stairs.

I decided that I've been playing bystander for too long, and start to follow Harry back to the Gryffindor common room. I head for the stairs and my eyes catch Malfoy's, who is walking in the opposite direction. He glares at me so intensely that I feel like he might burn a hole through me. Quickly, I put my head down to hide the growing grin on my face.

Harry's POV

Thank Merlin there wasn't anyone in the common room when I got there (aside from Neville asleep on the couch), I was a complete mess. I ran up to my room, collapsed on my bed, and curled into a ball atop the blankets.

Shortly after I arrived back here, there was a knock on the door before it opened.

Fuck. I forgot to lock it.

"Harry..." I heard Hermione's voice enter the room "Harry are you ok?" I looked up at her with an annoyed expression and sat up on my bed, still holding my knees "Why can't you leave me alone? I just... need some time" She didn't listen to me, and sat on the bed beside me "Harry, I really don't understand why you're so upset right now. I mean, he obviously feels something towards you! Yes, I saw everything that just happened," she said as I tried to protest "He needs to know. It can't stay this way forever, this whole situation is effecting your life too much. This has to be sorted out, and fast."

I looked over my shoulder at her before turning myself to face her "Hermione, I don't think he has feelings for me. I don't know where you got that idea from, but get it out of your head. No matter how much I want there to be something between us, there won't be." I felt tears threaten my eyes, but I blinked them back.

Hermione scoffed "If you were standing where I was when you were with Malfoy, it sure would've looked like he felt something! He looked like he was going in for a kiss for Merlin's sake!" She threw her hands up in the air as she rose her voice "Harry... Didn't you say that you thought he figured out that you were the cat?" I nodded "right. And after he supposedly figured it out, what did he do?" I paused for a moment to think.

"...he smiled." She rolled her eyes "And?" Hermione asked, wanting me to continue my thought.

"He touched noses with me..." I was starting to realize where she's going with this.

"Right. And you told me about when you were in the bathroom, he came to comfort you?" She raised an eyebrow
"Well... Yeah." I answered, sighing in defeat. Maybe Malfoy does feel something towards me. Still I don't want to get my hopes up, just for them to be crushed eventually anyway.

Hermione sat up straight once again "I think I've proven my point" and with that she got up and walked out of the room.

Falling back onto the bed, I closed my eyes. My thoughts immediately went to Malfoy, and how I wished he were here right now; even just standing here, he doesn't have to be talking to me. Being in his presence is enough.

...Maybe I can go see him.

Sitting up smiling, I loosely wrapped my Gryffindor scarf around my neck and headed for the door.


That's the end of chapter eight :D
I hope 2020 treats y'all well
I'll see you beans next time :)

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