Chapter Seven

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Heyo, sorry this took me soooo long, lots of school projects this time of year. 

But anyway, on with the chapter! This one's a bit longer than the other's, so enjoy :)


Harry's POV

Ron, Hermione, and I headed down to potions the next morning. Ron and Hermione hand in hand, while I scooted along behind them. We sat down in our usual spots and Snape was talking about who knows what, but I couldn't pay attention. Not when there was a literal angel sitting beside me.

I looked to my left at Malfoy who was contently listening to our professor go on and on about the benefits of frogs legs. His platinum hair glowed from the spring light shining through a window somewhere not too far away. Snape asked a question, and you could tell that Malfoy was thinking. He ran a hand through his beautiful hair and rested the tip of his quill gently on his bottom lip. I think Snape might've said something about a test, but I don't care. The only thing I'll be studying is the good looking boy sitting less than three feet away from me.

He turned his head towards me and I quickly snapped my head towards the front of the room, doing my best to look interested in the lesson. Once he looked away again, I returned my focus to his face. I admired his flawless acne-free skin and wondered how soft it really is. Sadly, I know I'll never be able to touch his face. Unless, of course, it's to punch him.


Later on, Hermione and I were sitting in the common room working on the potions homework. I needed her help because, well, I was... distracted during the class. She was showing me how to write the essay properly when I interrupted her "Hermione," I started. She looked up at me "What's up Harry?" We're the only ones in the room so I think it's time to tell her. "Can... Can I talk to you for a second?" She adjusted herself so that she was facing me on the couch. "I'm all ears." Was her response as she placed the scroll with a half written essay on it down on the coffee table.

"So, lately, I've been struggling..." I started and she nodded for me to continue "with... My sexuality." Her eyes widened a bit and she placed a hand on my leg supportively "you see, lately I've noticed that girls are just less attractive then they used to be to me, a-and..." I trailed off. She flashed a worried glance at my eyes "and what Harry?" She asked, very calmly.

"...and I think I might like a guy." I slowly brought myself to look up at her. She was smiling. A wave of relief washed over me when I saw her reaction. She let out an inhuman squealing noise, which scared me, so I jumped "who is it?" She asks me out of nowhere. What do I tell her? "I-uh-um" I stuttered. Her eyebrows furrowed as if she was deep in thought. You could practically see the gears in her brain moving, trying to solve this mystery. Her face relaxed and she gasped slightly. I'm scared of what she might guess. What if she guesses right? She meets my eyes again with a huge grin on her face.

"It's Malfoy, isn't it."

I felt the blood rush to my cheeks and my face redden. I looked down, trying to hide the blush spreading quickly throughout my face. Hermione stood up and jumped around a bit yelling "I KNEW IT" repetitively. I tried to shush her so that other people wouldn't be alarmed, but she was too excited.

She continued jumping and squealing around the common room; tripping over things every once and a while and occasionally bumping something so hard to leave a bruise, followed by a curse word.

After about two minutes of watching the amusing display she was putting on, I started staring at the wall and getting lost in my thoughts. So, now that she knows and she excepted it, do I tell her about my current situation? No, she'll probably see me as a creep and not talk to me again. Maybe I'm just over-thinking. Should I show her what I can do? Just turn into a cat right here and now? After all, Ron already knows and she is my other best friend. I slouched into the couch and sighed.

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