Uzushiogakure's Discovery and Rebuilding

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(A/N: In this small summary, I will not be explaining everything that transpired in the rebuilding of Uzushiogakure, not wanting to spoil anything. Left out pieces of information will be revealed as you continue to read Aftermath.)

Uzushiogakure is a collection of five main islands with mini islands within and surrounding it. It has three main ports and a central port. The chain is surrounded by a rock barrier and whirlpools. There are also mini whirlpools inside the island. It was the ancestral home to the Uzumaki clan. After the island was destroyed, some of the surviving Uzumaki went into hiding. There are some remnants of the royal family still left, including Kushina Uzumaki, princess of Uzushiogakure.

Uzu has three main cities. There is the Central Coastal City, the City of Saisei, and Uqoni. Before the invasion, the Uzumaki's used seals to hide most of the island, allowing the invaders only to be able to invade a single island. Of course, the 5 hidden islands were protected by rocks and whirlpools. The island that was invaded was the one closest to the Land of Fire.

When Naruto finally found his ancestral home at the age of 10, he began to scavage the Uzumaki ruins. There, he found the key to the rest of the ruins, that was sealed up in a room that only Uzumaki's could open with their blood.

It was there where he found out that he was a part of the royal family, grandson of Daisuke Uzumaki, great grandson of Keito Uzumaki (Sandaime Uzukage), and the great, great grandson of Hayato Uzumaki, brother of the Nidaime Uzukage. He would later find out that he was a Senju on his grandmother's side.

Using a blood clone and with the help of Kurama he was able to gather intel and returned to Konoha to make blueprints, seals, and future plans for his newly rebuilt ancestral home. In his personal time, he observed to systems of Konoha and other villages to get an outline. It wasn't until his mission to the land of spring that he would realize how help advanced technology would be.

By the time he was 11, he began looking for other Uzumaki, whenever he was on a mission, as ANBU Kitsune, of course. Once he found several Uzumaki, he spoke to them and told them to find other Uzumaki to spread word that the ancestral home was being rebuilt by its heir. He also told them to only tell other Uzumaki's. He didn't want that type of information to become common knowledge. He is referred by some as Naruto-ōji.

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While Uzushiogakure is a collection of 5 main islands, the only island that was well known was the small island of Uzu near the Land of Fire, marked by the swirl symbol on the map. In the next book, there will be a distinction. Sometimes the term "The Real Uzushiogakure" will be used. In reference to the five main islands, they are located south of the elemental nations, in the mist of the seas. Uzushiogakure's history and situations will be further investigated in Aftermath or in the third book (if I decide to do so).

(A/N: This explanation can  be used for both A Flash to the Future and Aftermath. There will be a further explanation on Uzu as I continue to update Aftermath. If you guys don't mind, drop a comment below, shouting out your favorite clan. Thanks guys!)

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