ANBU Kitsune Arc: The Guy Behind the Mask (Bonus)

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Naruto stood on the balcony of his apartment building as he looked at the village from a view. It had been a year since he moved into the building. After months of wondering the streets, jiji had finally gotten him an apartment. It wasn't the best he'd seen. Not like the homes he'd seen when he would watch other child go home with their parents. The place was cold. The walls and ceilings had a hint of mildew and the floors moaned under each foot step. The refrigerator worked pretty well, although it was a bit dirty and the microwave was fine. He didn't know what to think of his bed as he had been used to lying on the floor or in a cardboard box. At that moment, anything felt good to him.

He looked at the position of his balcony. While one side gave view to the village, the other side revealed the slums. His eyes stayed on that particular side, not particularly interested in the village at the moment. In his head, he began to compare the two seemingly different worlds. While the village seemed lively with a joyous and happy atmosphere (at least to them...), the slums seemed depressive. The streets were rough unlike the smooth streets that led to jiji's office.

While fair traffic decorated the streets of the village, the slums were nearly vacant. Trash littered the sides of the street and at night, people operated in darkness. Further down, he could see red lanterns of the red-light district that was usually lit at night. Sometimes he would go there to see his nee-chans and nii-sans.

The four and a half year old was pulled out of his musings at the knock of the front door. He slowly turned towards the door that led to his room. He could sense that it was his jiji. He had said he was going to be visiting him today. It was the reason why he was home. He walked inside his room, closing the doors behind him before heading toward the hallway. When he finally got to the door, he stood on his tippy toes to unlock it before turning the knob to open it.

Hiruzen smiled as he looked down at the familiar set of blue eyes. 'He reminds me so much of you, Minato.....' he thought as the child seemed to beam at him coming by. Naruto opened the door wider for him, allowing him to come in. Hiruzen stepped into the apartment as Naruto shut the door behind him. Naruto went to sit on the couch, looking at the Hokage with a small smile.

"Eh, I thought you were going to come by earlier, jiji." Naruto said as he scratched his whiskered cheek.

"I was but I got held up with paperwork at the office." Hiruzen replied. "I'll have to leave soon for meeting so I came by to give something to you."

Naruto seemed sadden by this, but he quickly covered it up with a smile. "It's okay, jiji." he said. "I guess I can come by tomorrow some time."

Hiruzen smiled at this. "I would like that, Naruto-kun." he said as he pulled out a small bag.

He handed it to Naruto who grabbed it excitingly. When he opened it, he saw some clothes that looked about his size along with some nightwear. There was also a frog nightcap and small stuff animal. Naruto gasped as his eyes landed on the thing he would grow to call 'Gama-chan'. Hiruzen smiled lightly as he looked around the place. He frowned a little. He wished he could do better, but until he became a genin, the child was under jurisdiction of the Civilian Council. And even if he could do something. He had too much on his plate to be able to spare the financial aid the boy needed. He shook his head as his eyes returned to the boy who was looking at the frog wallet he had gotten him.

"I take it that you like it, Naruto-kun." he said in amusement.

"I love it, jiji!" Naruto said excitedly. "I'm going to call him gama-chan, dattebayo!" he cheered.

Hiruzen chuckled at this as he pulled out an envelope from his jacket. "Well, now that you have a new friend, you should probably take care of him, ne?" the Hokage said.

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