Omake #2: Meeting the Uzukages

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The chamber was dead silent after Naruto introduced himself. Naruto remained bowed as he waited for them to recollect themselves. The Sandaime and Yondaime just blinked at the boy. After a couple more minutes of silence, the room erupted with different responses.



"You doesn't look like much an Uzumaki."


"Please." Naruto spoke, getting all their attention as he stood. "One at a time."

"What are you doing here, child?" the Shodaime asked. "And how did you even get down here?"

"I got here through a portal a little trinket in your office opened. I just followed the blue fire and it led me here." Naruto answered. "As for the reason I'm here, I came here to pay my respects and learn about what happened to Uzushio."

"What do you mean what happened to Uzushio?" the Nidaime said with a frown.

"Years after your time, Kiri, Iwa, and Kumo laid siege on our country." the Sandaime said with a grimace. "Uzushio lost in the end and our country was destroyed."

"Kiri? Iwa? Kumo?" the Shodaime said with a frown. "They must have formed after Konohagakure did." he deduced.

"Well what about Konoha?" the Nidaime questioned. "We were good allies. Surely they provided some aid, right?"

The Sandaime and Yondaime frowned at this. This peaked Naruto's interest. Seeing that the attention was no longer on him, the little blonde plopped down onto the floor and took his seat. He was curious of the information his ancestors held and wanted known Uzushio's exact attachments to Konoha other than what he already knew.

"They didn't answer." the Yondaime said with a grimace.

"What do you mean?" the Nidaime question.

"Speak clearly, boy." the Shodaime said, earning a glare from the the man.

"Konoha did help as we requested." the Sandaime spoke up. "Daisuke sent them four letters, telling them about what was happening and asked for their help protecting our land. And they didn't respond to not one of them."

"So they practically abandoned us." the Shodaime said before he shook his head. "I can't say that I'm surprised."

"But why?" the Nidaime said with a frown. "We were under a contract. One finalized by marriage. What on earth could have possibly made them do something like this?"

"The Elemental Nations were on the verge of another war at the time. Tensions were high and everyone was mobilizing their military. The economic landscape of the time was another matter. I would say that it was one of the main reasons for the start of the war." the Sandaime said.

"Nonetheless, they should have been there." the Shodaime snapped. "I can't say that we have had the best relations with the our sister clan, but the fact that we were family never changed. We even swore loyalty to them in good faith. What they have done or failed to do is a dishonor to our pact. Their actions are unforgivable."

"What do you mean about that?" Naruto spoke up.

Silver eyes drifted to the small form, sitting down at the middle of the room. He silently stared at the boy for a moment. He still didn't know how the child managed to get there. He looked no older 9 or 10 years old. A child his age should be at home, getting a bed time story or at the Academy. And didn't he say he was the son of a Hokage? Surely someone must have been keeping an eye on him. He frowned at this. Something wasn't right about this situation.

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