ANBU Kitsune Arc: Anko's Trial and Naruto's Resolve

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Naruto stared at the forest behind the tall metal fences of Training Ground 44. It dark and completely enshrouded by tall thick trees. He could tell it was big and knew that it had to cover miles of land. In short, it looked down right intimidating. The young boy sighed as he plopped down on the ground and looked into the distance toward the village. He had arrived here at 4:55 and it was now 5:10 with no sign of the purple-haired woman. Was she just yanking his chain when she told him she would help him? If not, then why was she late?

The blond was cut out of his musings when a kunai was thrown at him, causing him to immediately jump back. A feminine laughs resounded through the air as Naruto picked himself off the ground. A second later, Anko landed in front of him with a sadistic grin on her face. Naruto just glared at her.

"Not bad, gaki." she said with a grin.

"You're late." Naruto accused.

"I know." Anko said as she relaxed her head against her arms. "I just wanted to see when you would arrive. Good thing you got here before me, ne?"

Naruto's eye twitched. He scowled at her before he turned to towards the gates. "So this trial of yours." Naruto started. "You want me to go in there, don't you?" he said, pointing at the large forest.

"Smart kid." Anko commented as she produced three kunai into her hand. She threw them towards the child, landing at his feet. She was surprised that he didn't even flinch.

Naruto looked down at the kunai before looking back at her. He didn't move because he knew she wasn't aiming to hit him. He had had enough kunai and shuriken thrown at him to know when someone trying to hit him or aiming to kill. He just stared at her for a second before he spoke.

"So, what am I supposed to do?" Naruto asked, getting straight to the point.

"You are going to be staying in the Forest of Death for the whole day." Anko said before pointing at the three kunai that were embedded into the ground in front of him. "Those three kunai are the only tools provided for you. You will have to get your other needs on your own."

Naruto turned to look at the forest. A shiver went down his spine just staring at it. He turned to Anko who was looking at him. She was gauging his reactions.

"Is that all?" Naruto asked, putting on a strong front.

"Yes." Anko said with light amusement.

Naruto nodded and reached for the embedded kunai. Anko watched as he grabbed the three kunai given kunai. He looked at her firmly and nodded his head to her, letting her know that he was ready. Anko walked to the gates of the forest and unlocked it, allowing Naruto to enter. Naruto paused as he stepped into the threshold of the forest. He looked back at Anko who was shutting the gate and locking it.

"Good luck, kid." Anko said. "And if you die, you fail." she warned before vanishing in a swirl of leaves.

Naruto stared at the spot the woman once stood. He was locked in here. He turned to look back at the forest in front of him with a light gulp. He could shadows moving about in the light screams and calls of animals traveling deep within its depths. His skin crawled at the rather large centipede that he saw crawling up the tree. He lightly sweat-dropped at what he had gotten himself into. Steeling himself, Naruto stepped forward, entering into the forest with plants and beasts unknown. He had to do it. No matter what happens.


Naruto panted as he stopped at a tree to catch his breath. He had been walking for three hours now and he had no idea where he was. He plopped down at the base of the tree, wiping the sweat from his brow. He was tired and his body was sore. The loud rumble of his stomach spoke volumes of his hunger-filled state. He wasn't going to survive at this rate. And he still had 21 more hours to go. He needed to do something.

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