The Fall of Uzushiogakure Arc: The Curse of Hatred

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The heavy clank of wood resounded through the clearing as hard wood struck and scraped against each other. On a lone training ground, were two young boys with bokutō in their hand, battling intensely as they blocked and parried each other's blows.

The first boy was fairly tall for his age. He had short, lava red hair that stopped at his shoulders and was pulled up into a small ponytail. He looked around 15 years old and was developing a solid physique like his father. His skin held a light tan and his gold eyes never left his opponent. He had a taunting smirk on his face as he took a defensive stance. This seemed to get a rise out of the other boy.

Said boy stood at an average height at his age. He had short red hair that was lowly cut. He looked around 14 years old and had a much more leaner build than his brother. He had smooth, alabaster skin he shared with his grandmother and his features were soft. His violet, pupil-less eyes were narrowed at his opponent as he gave him a smug smirk.

Gritting his teeth, he lunged at the older boy, attempting to strike him the abdomen. The boy's smirk seemed to widen to a grin as he watched him attempt to strike him. Right when he was about to strike him, the boy blocked it before parrying it with a strike to the boy's wrist. The younger sibling winced as he was forced to drop his sword. The oldest quickly moved to demobilize him, forcing him to his knees before pinning his arm behind his back and placing the wooden sword at his neck.

"You lose." the older boy said with a smirk.

The younger of the two growled before he huffed. "Get the hell off me, Ryū." he said.

"Now, now. No need to be a sore loser about it, little brother." Ryū mocked as he released him. "And mother would have your hide at your indecent language."

The boy scoffed as he stood, rubbing his wrist. "You curse all the time. Hypocrite." he said as he scowled.

"Mou, why so angry, suke-chan?" Ryū teased. "Should I get Kaya-chan over here to kiss your boo-boos?"

Daisuke's cheeks went red and he glared at his annoying sibling. "Why you little-" he started.

"Boys." a deep voiced boomed into the field.

Both boys straightened up and got their bokūto in their hand. They turned around toward the back porch of the engawa of the main house. Standing on the porch, was their father, Keito Uzumaki. His red hair was cut low like Daisuke's and his skin was tanned like Ryū's. His eyes were dark and he had different seal markings on his arms. His features were nice and chiseled, and he had a pipe in his mouth. He was wearing dark gray, sleeveless kimono with a garnet obi and a red and white, sleeveless haori. There were two swords at his side and his feet donned a pair of black geta.

Daisuke and Ryū were a little shock at the sight of their father. They were expecting him to be at his office as usual. Every since he had become Uzukage, they didn't see him home as often as they used to. When they snapped out of their shock, they both bowed to him in respect.

"Tou-sama." they said simultaneously.

Keito simply nodded. His eyes traveled to the bokūto in their hands and he immediately deduced that they were sparring. He was pleased to see this. He had always to taught his kids to strive to be the best at everything they did or set their mind to. Failure was not acceptable and hard-work was the only way to get stronger and be better than their fellow men.

"I see you've been practicing your kenjutsu." Keito stated, earning a nod from his boys. "How goes it?"

"Well, Daisuke can finally last a full ten minutes with me in a spar." Ryū said with a smirk, earning a glare from Daisuke.

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