The Hausa Clan

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The Hausa Clan is a clan that originated from Tetsu no Kuni. They tended to live near its borders and didn't meddle too much in samurai affairs due to them being a ninja clan in origin. They had close relations with the Uzumaki before they left to settle off the coast of the Land of Fire. They also had dealings with the Yakushi clan for a certain amount of time.

Members of clan are well versed in bukijutsu, being able to wield just about any type of weapon. They also become known for their unique bukijutsu styles and techniques. The Hausa clan are also skilled in blacksmithing, metalsmithing, and welding. They have unique techniques in weapons forging and their metal smithing skills are only rivaled by that of Tetsu no Kuni. They are also known to make unique looking weapons and weapons specially made for a specific person or purpose. It is even said that the makers of the 7 Swords of Mist were originally from this clan.

The Hausa Clan lives in the mountains of the Fujirano main island, not far from a volcano. They grow to become one of noble clans in Uzushio. They are often chosen to lead over the Munitions Department in Uzushiogakure. They are very wealthy due to the weapon-making talents and are often sought after for personalized weapons. They also provide Uzushio with weaponry.

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