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I showered, keeping my hand dry the whole time.

Once I got into Nike shorts and a bralette I decided to rewrap it.

I unwrapped it- looking to the cut.

"Jesus Christ" I spoke, watching the blood almost instantly run down my hand.

Just as I moved to grab more wrap- I got a wave of dizziness and I felt a familiar cramp in my stomach- the exact ones I got when I was getting my blood drawn.

I knew what that meant.

I refused to pass out again.

I grabbed a towel, holding my hand in it, walking out in only my bralette and shorts- knowing I was one more look away from passing out due to the blood.

"Luke" I spoke, seeing all eyes move to me, concern taking over his face instantly,

I wasn't coming out of the bathroom half naked for nothing, and he knew that.

"What's wrong?" He asked as he stood, coming to me.

"I cut my hand earlier today and I'm gonna pass out," I spoke to him swiftly.

"You cut it earlier? Let me look" he spoke sternly.

"No Luke, I'm gonna either pass out or throw up." I spoke sternly, knowing the feelings going on in my body right now were not okay.

Soon all four doctors surrounded me, I could hear Veronica asking what was wrong and the state workers speaking to her.

Calum ended up blocking my vision as Luke looked to my hand, the feeling of blood immediately running down my hand.

"She's losing way too much blood, we need to get some stitches in, now" Ashton spoke before Luke could even fully assess it.

Stuff started moving quick.

Veronica started tripping- acting like I never told her about the cut

This made Luke mad at me because- and I quote, "this is really serious, Harley"

Which is why I'm now in the backseat of Luke's car between Veronica and Ashton, holding back tears as both Veronica and Luke either ignores me angrily or yelled about how serious this was, but luckily two of the five state workers were able to stay at the house and watch the kids rather than following in a different vehicle like the others.

And I just wanted to flat out beat Veronica's ass.

"Luke, chill the fuck out." Ashton spat towards him, holding pressure to my hand, making me wince yet again.

"Ashton- Shes already malnourished- no telling what else is wrong with her because we can't do a full fucking work up, she passes out easy already- this is fucking scary!" Luke yelled.

"Like I understand that you're fucking scared, but think about Harley- if you're scared, imagine how she feels." He spoke as if I wasn't sitting right in the middle of the car.

"Everyone just chill out, she's going to be fine." Calum spoke from the drivers seat.

"She should've told someone." Luke almost mumbled.

"I agree." Veronica lied, making the tears come into my eyes even more.

I wanted to run away

We got to the hospital where we all pace walked inside and straight into and ER room.

Ashton helped me onto the bed, where Calum immediately washed his hands and put gloves on, coming to me.

"Look at the ceiling, okay?" He spoke calmly, making me do as said.

I stared to the ceiling tiles, feeling him remove the rags, wiping it with gauze for several minutes before sighing.

"She needs atleast seven stitches, maybe more" he spoke quietly.

"Jesus Christ, Harley" Luke spoke, but I never looked to him.

"When did you even do it?" He then asked, making me immediately wanna throw myself into a wall.

"Lunch." I spoke simply, hearing Luke laugh out as I felt a sharp pain in my hand, making me instantly look to what Calum was doing.

"Look up" Calum reminded me quickly, making me do as said, exhaling lightly.

"I'm going to run and get her food- she hasn't eaten-" "let me do it, she's going to want you" Michael interrupted him, making everyone go silent.

"Do you want me to stay?" Luke asked, making me look to him.

"Well yeah" I breathed out towards him, seeing him immediately hand Michael his keys,

"Okay, your hand is numb pretty girl, let's wash it real quick to make sure there's no bacteria" Calum spoke, holding my elbows to help me stand,

He stood beside me as I ran my hand under the water in quick motions, seeing him nod after a moment- guiding me back to the bed.

I sat, looking to the cut- more than disgusted at what I saw.

"Why didn't you tell anyone?" Luke asked me as Calum opened a stitch kit.

"Not the time" Calum mumbled, readjusting my hand to where he had easier access to it.

"I'm sorry but this is something I can't just dismiss, I don't understand why you hid this from us Harley, this is a bad cut and you're smart enough to know that."

I was beyond frustrated

I was annoyed

I was tired

Really fucking tired

And I just wanted someone to hold my hand hand as I got stitches- but no one seemed willing to do that.

So I started crying, catching the whole room off guard.

"Alright- everyone out until I'm done." Calum spoke sternly, pointing to the door.

"Hold on- let's talk-" "no, my patient is upset and right now it's mandatory that she gets stitches and the only way I can give her stitches is if she's calm, so I'm saying this one more time before I call security- everyone get out."

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