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Love & Complications


"Here's the keys Mr. Bold. Congratulations, it's all yours." The realtor smiles and extends the keys in his hand.

"Thank you. Man I can't wait to open this spot." Montell smiles while retrieving the keys.

"I'm sure whatever you do it, it'll be something that the people would love." Mr. Ralph, the realtor says while closing up the folders in front of him.

"They will. Do you like art Mr. Ralph?" Montell questions while folding up a paper in his hands.

"I love art. I have a few pieces in my home painted by a few artist. Why?" Mr. Ralph questions and stands to his feet.

"Well when I have my grand opening, I'd like to invite you." Montell informs and Mr. Ralph nods with a smile.

"You can send the invitation to my office and I'll bring my wife. We'll definitely be there. Again, congratulations on the building." Mr. Ralph extends his hand towards Montell and they shake hands.

"Thank you Mr. Ralph." Montell says, pulling his hand to his side again. He watch as the realtor exits and turns back around to the venue in front of him. It's a couple repairs that needs to be done that he was going to get started on immediately. He has some contractors he can call to get the work started. He plans on calling them today to get things set up. Montell walks around the venue to see if he's missing any repairs. While doing so, his phone rang. Retrieving it out his pocket, he reads the name Charlie and slides the icon to the right.

"Hey, are you around?" She questions before Montell could speak.

"I really should be asking are you around. I'm on the boulevard." He informs.

"Okay, well can you meet me at BB's downtown?" She questions. Montell takes a glimpse of his watch and reads the time of ten in the morning.

"Yea, I'll be there in ten minutes." He assures, heading for the exit. Pulling the phone away from his ear, he hangs up and exits the building. He secures the place and climbs in his truck, taking off to meet with Charlie. The two have been friends since college and have always been close. Charlie kind of took the place of Yelena when the two stopped talking. For some odd reason, Montell's ex didn't like Yelena but she didn't care about Charlie. Why he didn't know nor asked. He feels he should of. Montell arrives the bistro and parks in the curb. Skimming the busy sidewalk, he notices Charlie exiting the hotel of where she's staying. Montell honks his horn grabbing her attention. Smiling, she nears his truck and gets in making sure to close the door.

"Thanks for meeting me." She sighs and places on her seatbelt.

"Yea, it's no problem. What's up?" He questions and cut the engine. Although Charlie was wearing a smile, he could tell something was bothering her. Not to mention when she called, her tone were concerning to him. Sighing heavily, she shakes her head and turns her attention towards Montell.

"You know the usual relationship problems." Charlie stresses and rolls her eyes to nothing in particular. Montell chuckles and raises an eyebrow in interest.

"You and Saint at it again?" He teases. Charlie blows a sharp breath through her teeth and tucks her hair behind her ear.

"He just gets so jealous for no reason." Charlie stresses in frustration.

"I mean..." Montell hints out with small laughter as Charlie dismisses it.

"We talked about that and even went through counseling. If he's still feeling insecure about that, than he himself needs to talk with someone." She shrugs. Montell's smile slowly falls as he nods. He was only making a joke but it seemed Charlie felt a way about it. Montell knows exactly how Saint feels which gave him an idea.

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