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Put It Behind Us


°a week later

Montell dips his brush in the blue paint, swiping the liquid against the white canvas. He decided to attend Anika's lecture to clear his head. It's been a week since he told Yelena about the incident. The two haven't spoken and it kind of rubbed him the wrong way. He wanted to know what she was thinking and where her mind was set. It was killing him but he thought to give Yelena her space. She clearly needed that time to think as did he.

"Let the brush do the talking." Anika instructs in a calm tone as she walks around the room. She nears Montell and his piece caught her eye. His painting consisted of a woman that's Yelena's complexion. Her back is turned as the woman hugs herself. He wrote the words in white paint to describe the women like strong, patient and heartbroken. From the details of the curly hair to the hourglass frame, Anika could since who it was.

"What do you think?" Montell questions while continuing to paint the blue and gray gradient backdrop.

"It's really nice Montell. Maybe we can talk about it later?" She questions in an unsure tone.

"It's pretty self explanatory but I don't mind." He says, rinsing the paint brush in the murky water that sits on the easel.

"Well then let's talk about it. It's nine thirty now so we definitely have time." She says, taking a seat next to him. Montell picks up a smaller brush and dips the tip in the white paint.

"Yelena has been through a lot when it comes to relationships. She's dated liars and cheaters. When we began dating again, I thought I could be that hero. The great guy that comes in and sweeps her off her feet. Instead I'm just like the niggas before me. I cheated on her when we first began dating twelve years ago. We haven't talked about it, because she's been busy with her book. She's been...quiet but in good spirits. Honestly with all that she's been through, I'm pretty sure she's numb right about now or a very strong individual. The way she picks herself up is powerful. It makes me wish I had that same stamina." He scoffs and shrugs slightly. Anika nods, knowing Montell has been dealing with depression all of his life. She could sense he was changing but in a good way.

"Yelena is that inspiration you need." Ankia confirms.

"What do you mean?" He questions confused. Smiling, Anika tilts her head while giving him her full attention.

"When you were dating your ex that cheated on you, you were very meek and barricaded. She kept you down and you kept you at your lowest. You loved her." Anika analyzes. Montell scoffs a laugh and shakes his head.

"Yea, now that I think about it that wasn't love. What I feel for Yelena is much more than what I had before."

"Yelena was always the one."

"Of course." Montell assures with a deep frown.

"I'm pretty sure she feels the same way about you. Things will work out in your favor." Anika assures, getting up to assist the others.

"Yea, maybe." Montell mumbles under his breath. He decides to keep painting until it was finished. While doing so, he thought on what Anika said to him. How Yelena was that love and support he needed to inspire him. It's true that since she's came back into his life, he's felt the difference. The diagnosis of his depression of course was going no where. He's been through so much with relationships that he didn't even realize the positive. It felt like to him he was smoking more then he was before. At least right now. It was ten forty-five at night when the lecture ended. Everyone wish one another a good night as they left. Montell makes sure to carefully sit down the painting so it won't mess up. He arrives at his condo and parks in the garage. Entering his place, he witnesses Yelena folding her clothes to pack for her last trip. She has an interview with a couple out in Atlanta, Georgia. It's the last interview she has to add to the book which will be complete. Montell tosses his keys in the bowl and kicks off his sneaks. Yelena turns to him with a closed lip smile and continues to fold.

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