Chapter 26

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Hermione gave a peek at the large open doors. People looked really interested in the Great Hall, and it was never usually buzzed with excitement.

White banners were placed, and bonquet of roses were put beside the doors. They were decorating the whole Great Hall, and it seemed like a celebration was going on. Surely it's not graduation yet.. Its just the last week of April. So what exactly is going on?

Hermione let the question aside. The hot sun shone on her hair, making it glow. She scolded herself for not bringing her scarf because the cold air was tingling her skin.

She walk down the slope, not tripping this time and rolling down like a potato. A blond stood with his broom stuck to his hand. He was gazing at the sun and he literally felt like a lamp that you used when you go somewhere at night.

"Hey, I'm here."

"Oh, hey. You'd came, I thought you were still angry about me."

"Not really, I still am a little," Hermione tried not to let herself be all girly like other annoying girls. She wanted to be strict about this.

"Well, come on," Draco smirked and rode on his broom, motioning her to sit with him.

"Not this again. I hate rides from you," she grumbled.

"Oh I won't do that again, silly," he joked. But Hermione was still a little scared from that time.

"You promised?" she asked hopefully.

"Yeah, I promise, okay?"

"Fine," Hermione caught hold of her backpack tightly. Draco hovered above the ground, and let out a hand for Hermione. It was like asking her to dance.

She took it and they sped across the quidditch pitch. Hermione was afraid she might fall, so she hugged him from behind. When he decided to speed up, she squeezed his body, burying her face into his quidditch robes. She shut her eyes and feel the wind roaring in her ears.

They lowered down to the lake, and she could feel her feet dipping into the cold icy water.

"Hey, stop hugging me so tightly," he said softly, "try touching the water."

"Are you stupid? Never! How would I know you're not trying to drown me?"

He laughed. "I won't."

"That still doesn't answers my question," Hermione argued.

"I just won't." She didn't replied, but she was itching to do what he said. Slowly, she opened her eyes and gasped at her own reflection. Clutching his robes in one hand, she bend down and her fingers send a tingling sensation throughout her whole entire arm.

It was fun. He spread his arms and soared up, Hermione screaming and shouting with fear. He obviously already broke the promise, but that didn't matter to her. She was naturally- having fun.

"Draco! When are we going to land?" she whispered, hugging his back  again. Even if she couldn't see his expression from behind, Hermione could sense he was smiling warmly.

"Almost there.."

"We're not that far away from Hogwarts, are we?"

"Just a few hills away. It'll be fine," he let out another laugh. She smiled in agreement.

They passed some trees and Hermione blinked her eyes several times to make sure she was seeing it properly. The whole entire hill was filled with charming yellow coneflowers blooming beautifully.

"How-did you find this place?" she said in utter shock.

"I passed by here once.. Never brought anyone here before, but I think it's a good chance for you to visit at least once."

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