Chapter 30

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Hermione craned her neck to get a better view of the snitch flying so quickly than any other movement in the whole quidditch pitch. Draco and the hufflepuff seeker raced, going up and down through the towers and even tricks that may cause either one to fall happened.

She was worried. She wouldn't like seeing that ferret drop down like a missle and kill himself or something. That would be terrible.

Another series of gasps came from the hufflepuffs as the seeker almost caught hold of the snitch. Hermione sensed Draco had a plan. He soared up, totally not trying to catch the snitch. She watched him circled as  the hufflepuff seeker tried his best to catch hold of it.

Closer and closer.. Whoosh! Draco zoomed, his hand reaching out and caught hold of the golden winged ball. He was inches away from colliding with the other seeker, but he made a quick move to dashed down, then flew up again, holding the victory.

"Yes!" Hermione whispered loudly as everyone erupted in roars and cheers. Ginny smirked at her which she pretended not to notice as she continued to clap loudly. Harry tap his hand, impressed, while everyone from all sides shrieked and screamed as Draco grabbed hold of that muggle microphone.

"Hello, everybody!" Draco grinned, soaring highly, still on his magnificent broomstick. He looked too dashing.

He cleared his throat. "Well, I just wanted to say how happy I am, and I thanked my team for going through each and every practice, rainy or sunny. Thank you for bearing with the arguments, and all of the great efforts all of you put in. I know a few years back I was such a terrible player and certainly not a very good student as well.. "he bowed towards to the professors," but I learn my mistakes and hopefully do the very best in my final year. Once again, I thank you."

Girls from all sides screamed :WE LOVE YOU! and everyone simply clapped along, making wolf whistles and encouraging comments here and there.

Hermione smiled. That was a good speech. Not great and encouraging, but good and modest.

"Before I ended the match, I would like to say one more thing,"he flew his broom towards to where the Gryffindors sat, and hover above the people in front of Hermione.

She blushed. Hermione gave him a what the bloody hell look before he smirked and continued," Hermione Granger, be my girlfriend? "

That was it. That was the bomb that exploded right in front of her face burning her cheeks and her entire body.

The people near her screamed at her to say yes, even the girls, not all of them but most of them. Ginny shook her arm and Harry looked dazed for a sudden moment.

"Quick! Say yes!" she hissed at her ear. But Hermione was literally shocked and confused. Did she liked Draco? Will she be happy? How can she be sure that this relationship wouldn't end up so terribly wrong like Ron's one? Surely he must be joking.

He raised his eyebrows at her. This was the most awkward situation for him. She could see his knuckles turned white, gripping onto the broomstick.

Then she did the most terrifying thing she would do. Her twelve year old self would screamed and probably killed herself that moment if she knew this would happen.

"Yes,yes I will."

Then everyone stood up, cheering for her. Draco looked delighted. Pansy Parkinson cries could be heard, and Ron stormed off angrily again, as always. There's nothing to be angry about, Hermione thought.

After for what seems like forever, the crowds cleared and Hermione could barely do something so simple like walking. She was staring at the field, still feeling quite struck about the situation. What was he thinking? That stupid ferret thought all of this was funny, which is totally not! He just dragged her into a whole lot drama.

She walked towards the field, and saw him standing there, looking pretty proud of himself.

"What were you thinking?" she shouted,"That was the most stupidest thing you'll ever do!"

His expression turned crestfallen. "What do you mean? I thought you would be happy about it!"

"Yeah well-"

He dropped his broom and took her hands. "I know this isn't what you exactly wanted, but - I really like you. Could we possibly give it a chance? This relationship isn't going to be easy, I know, but for the sake of being with you, I'll try, alright?"

Tears squeezed out of her eyes." I don't know-"

" You don't need to. We'll go into this together,"he comforted her. Hermione nodded her head. Then, right on the spot, he kissed her, cupping her face.

First day of her twisted life. It was a Tuesday, and Hermione was preparing to do this last night.

She seeked for Ginny's help, and she styled her hair until she could barely recognise that messy frizzy brown hair she used to have.

It was a low bun, done in a beautiful way, and somehow looked perfect in it.

Her robes matched the ribbons on her hair, and she set off, carrying the extra decorated backpack she had with her and met him downstairs.

"Looking lovely," Draco smirked.

"Thanks. This is more terrible than I thought," she joked.

"Well not so.."

"Let's go. People are staring. You know I don't like that much attention, don't you?"

"Of course," Draco answered.

"But I'm risking almost everything," Hermione smiled.

"So am I," he said. He held her hand  and they walked together to the Great Hall.

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