chapter 3: homeless

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I take a deep breath and call my landlord

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I take a deep breath and call my landlord. Maybe if I'm gentle he'll let me stay.

"Hello?" he answered. He was an old man with a raspy voice.

"Uh, hey Mr. Lee, it's Scarlet Thompson from apartment 215," I say in the kindest voice possible, "I was wondering if-"

He cuts me off, "Ms. Thompson, you're not getting that apartment back."

"But I should have gotten a notice," I argue, "isn't that how this works?"

"The continuous rent bills were your notice," he says sternly, "pick your things up tomorrow morning at 10 am."

He hung up. of course, of-fucking-course. Shit like this always happens to me. I sigh and stop outside in my annoying heels.

As soon as I got outside, I saw that Jackson's car was still parked there, but he was on the phone. I quickly walked past his car trying to stay far away from him.

Maybe I'll catch a bus or something... hopefully.

I started walking, but the heels I was wearing weren't ideal for the job.

I check the time and it's only 10:25 pm.

As I make my way to the bus stand, I hear a car coming behind me. Please don't let it be Jackson- please!

The car pulls up next to me and of course it's him.

He rolls down the window and asks in a sarcastic tone, "and where are you going, Ms. Thompson?"

"Uh- to... get some groceries?" I lied. I don't have to tell him anything.

"Is that so? And you're going to be wearing that?" Jackson asks as he eyes my dress. His eyes trail down my body and back up meeting my eyes. Damn his eyes are so pretty.

"Yeah- uh- I was too lazy to change," I say, "if you're done, I better get going."

Jackson tilts his head to the side and examines me for a bit. I'm a terrible liar, so I'm sure he saw through my act.

"I'll drop you off at the grocery store," he monotoned, "I don't want you walking alone especially at nighttime."

Of course he saw through my lie, he was playing with me, so that I spill the truth

"Uh- I changed my mind. I'll just pick them up in the morning," I say.

"Alright," he says.

And I continued walking to the bus stop.

"Scarlet?" Jackson calls from behind.

I turn around, "yeah?"

He gets out of the car and walks towards me, "Your apartment is the other way."

I'm so fucking dumb, "Right..."

Jackson looks at me with an expressionless face. Is this what all billionaires are like? Do all of them just not have feelings? I thought this shït only happened in books.

"Now why don't you tell me what really happened," Jackson says. There's something about his voice that makes me want to do what he says.

I sigh, "fine. I got kicked out of my apartment."

"Oh?" Jackson takes a deep breath, "what about your stuff?"

"I'll have to get it tomorrow morning," I say, "Do you know of any good hotels?"

He slightly raises his eyebrows, "you- you can spend the night at my place."

"Woah- uh- you don't have to do that," I quickly state, "I'll find some cheap hotel."

"Scarlet, you've pissed me off enough tonight, and I'm trying to help you," Jackson says, "if you care about your safety you'll come with me. I have many guest bedrooms."

He just had to add that his house was big.

"I don't know, I just met you. You could be a serial killer for all I know," I say, "you give off that vibe."

Why the fuck did I just say that? A simple 'I think it's too much for someone I just met' would have been fine.

Jackson fixes his tie, "get in the car. I've had enough of you."

I do as Jackson says. I mean it's nice of him to let me stay at his place. It was irrational of me to be a bitch towards him.

Jackson starts the car and starts to drive. I could tell he was angry, it was quite clear.

"I'm sorry," I mumble, "for everything tonight. I've been pretty rude to you. Thanks for letting me stay with you."

He doesn't say anything, which makes me feel worse. I look away and sigh. I try to be kind but the heat of the moment really fucks with me.

As a minute passes, the car stops at a red light.

"It's fine," Jackson mumbles.

I turn my head and look at him, and he's looking straight ahead. I look back outside my window and find myself falling asleep.

When I entered my dream state, I saw Jackson. He was standing in front of me with a smirk on his face. His eyes were twinkling with lust, and our lips were just inches apart.

I've just met him, and I'm already attracted. He's still a dick... but a hot one

As soon as our lips touched, my eyes opened, and I looked at Jackson in slight panic.

"What?" he asks.

I cleared my throat, "n-nothing just- just a dream."

"Bad dream?" he asks, his voice soft and comforting.

"No, just different," I say. Very different.

"Different?" he questions, "how so?"

"I don't want to talk about it," I say, and he doesn't ask again.

We get to his house after 20 minutes, and I'm stunned at the look of his house. It was double the size of his father's house.

He looks at my expression and smirks.

We get out of the car and Jackson takes my arm. I shiver at his touch. The image of his lips on mine returns.

I'm really starting to question my choice of staying with him.

How can a guy I just met make me so horny?

i've been busy with school, and i'm so sorry. i'll publish again soon.


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