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5 years after the Belkan war and 10 years before the unsung war. There was a war that affected our whole history, a war in the sky, a war of memories. He was a survivor of the Belkan war. Galm one is back to save Ustio’s skies from enemies that never existed. Pixy and PJ are back fighting for what they believe is right. In the end no one knows who is right and who is wrong. War always had been a place that got no answer. What worth fighting, what worth death, and what worth living also.

A quote was said after the Belkan war, from a fighter Galm one shot down, he said "Well I guess it's hard for bad guys like us to die. The real heroes always manage to die first. But guys like him, Solo Wing and me...we live the rest of our lives in Hell. But, then again, being alive is proof that we were good." I did not understand what does that mean, so I asked a friend. That friend explained to me what it means he said “the sentence itself tells you that being a soldier is not an ideal job because you do stuff that is considered immoral, but if you survive your war it means that you probably were a good soldier because you managed to come back alive unlike the killed people, and being a soldier in war itself is the hell, because the stuff you have to do puts you on both emotional and physical edge”.

Governments of Usito and Yoktobinia did not want anyone to know anything about this war, in the sake of not increasing any tension between countries. Whoever tried to speak at such time about the Belkan war trying to criticize it got executed. So we all were forced to believe that those who gone through the war were heroes and our government, president are heroes that they fought for our country’s dignity. No one accepted any other opinion, and we were forced to fight when we grow up, not only with weapons but also with feelings.

At last after more than 20 years of the hidden war, I had the chance to speak of it all the thanks to those 3 fighters who told me the story of the war as it was missed from our history. The Government at last gave me the permission to share the information I got about this war to the main. After I knew everything about this war I found out that we all live in a lie, we all believe that we are right while we are wrong, we hurt people and destroy their lives for a belief.

One might be a hero in his country's eyes for killing an enemy, but did we ever think about the other point of view. The information I gathered about the “Hidden war” showed me that war is not an Ideal thing in the end; it’s just a game that our leaders play while we are the toys.

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