Chapter (9) "A war to end all wars"

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Both Squads were sure that they will win, but does what PJ have said was right?! is that fight will really end up all wars in the region and maintain peace. Dreams can get true, and real if humans wanted to achieve it, but again no one interested in making a dream comes to reality, humans always run after the easy, and short way. Peace is not that easy to be maintained as humans are greedy creatures wanting more and the leaders are dictators and sick, so the wars can’t end up that easily by the death of one pilot...

Galm one said “Julie, PJ is mine, you fight Pixy”. Julie said “Roger that Galm one”. Galm one felt that those two aren’t PJ and Pixy, Galm one knew PJ & Pixy strategies very well. After they shot those two jets down and defeated them. Julie felt as the war had already ended she said “War is over Cipher, lets head to the base, and celebrate i’ll land before you”.

Galm one replied “Yeah sure, that is a great idea, you better land before i, i need to check something, tonight we will go out of the base and have a romantic dinner together, just go and get ready, wait for me, I love you Julie”. Julie said “I love you too Cipher just don’t take so long i will miss you, Take care”. Julie left and once she disappeared from Cipher’s radar he just moved forward slowly like if he was waiting for someone. He was sure that PJ and Pixy will show up in the upcoming minutes, maybe seconds he didn’t know when they will show up or even where, or what had been written in his fate.

Two enemies appeared on Cipher’s radar riding the old classics as PJ was riding F-16 block 52 and pixy was riding F-15 eagle like the old days when they were flying with cipher. They were moving across him from his back, and then they both shot 4 missiles across Galm one, every single jet shot two. Galm one tried to avoid the missiles, but 1 missile did hit his jet from the back causing 46% damage to his jet. Galm one said “It’s not my time yet, i will not die today, i will live for another day to see you two dead as i will not go down today”. PJ's voice appeared again saying “Keep dreaming demon lord, it’s good to dream but it’s bad to dream of things that will never happen”.

In the other side Julie was waiting for Galm one to get back to keep his promise, she got that feeling saying that he will never get back as PJ didn’t. The Fight between the three fighters went on; every single one of them thought that he was the hero while in fact “No one knows who is the hero and who is the aggressor”.

Galm one wasn’t an easy prey as PJ assumed he fought till the last breath, his damage percentage was increasing, same goes for PJ & Pixy, and it was a tough fight. Julie felt that it took more than usual, so she decided to takeoff and look for her beloved Cipher. Once she took off and got close to the place that Cipher was last seen she found 2 enemies on the radar. She got closer, she saw a fight across the sky between 3 fighters.

Julie suddenly said “Cipher eject the jet, leave, don’t die, and please don’t forget your promise”. Galm one replied with a wide smile on his face saying “I ejected my jet once in my life to fight again and revenge, but i guess i got no reason to fight anymore or even survive and eject my jet, so i prefer to die fighting rather than living as a fallen pilot full of hurt, while dying on my bed laying like a coward in shame”. PJ was honest when he said that Galm one fights for his pride and will never care about anyone else, even if Cipher himself refused that.. or his heart was able to get over his pride. The surprise that when Galm one was going down, the two other jets were going down as well.

The last words Julie heard from those two fighters were PJ said “Pixy, when we meet in hell make sure to stay away from the demon lord, he will be the lord of hell as he was the lord of this earthly hell, just you and i will stay away from him”. Pixy laughed hard saying “Indeed, we will have the best spot in hell meet you there buddy, and Cipher yo, buddy still alive, oh i forgot not anymore”.

The three of them decided to die for a better world, it maybe true that the main idea of war is to win and the ideal idea is to survive but the real heroes aren’t the survivors, they are the ones who die fighting in the end. The three fighters died fighting preferring to die for a better world, death for them was better than living in shame as fallen pilots with broken pride, but they died in the end for a better cause, that was the only thing the three of them agreed on.. leaving Julie to live for another day.  

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