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Next Day, she didn't show herself infront of him at breakfast table even though he never looked at her. Sanskar came to have breakfast and maid served him. Sanskar took a spoon of bit and it tasted different today. Sanskar shouts loudly making all flinch in fear.

"What the hell is this?" He shouted loudly while making sound of spoon on table.

Maid came running in fear
"Sir ...wo" She was saying something but words were not coming from her mouth by seeing his anger.

"Why this taste is different today?" Sanskar asked her with bit loud voice.

"Woh ...sir Swara Mam didn't come" She said while stammering in fear.

"So what?" Sanskar said sternly not knowing the connection.

"Woh...daily Swara Mam used to prepare breakfast" Maid said with a little bit courage.

Listening this Sanskar got shock because daily swara was preparing food that's why it's taste good. He looked for her but didn't find her anywhere. Suddenly yesterday night's incident passed through his mind. He don't know what was happening with him but he felt sad when he didn't find her presence today. He without having anything went to his office frustatedly. Today he was having very  important deal and now this he was feeling angry on himself for which he didn't know himself. He took the car keys from driver and drove himself to the office but both security guards cars were following him. He was in his frustrated mood and didn't see the truck coming from opposite side. Before he did anything truck hit with his car and it turned into upside down while sliding on road. His guards who were following him got shocked seeing their boss's car. Sanskar head hit harshly with front glass and he got severe injury on whole body, his head was bleeding and he was loosing his consciousness. Securuty guards came out from their car and went towards his car. After breaking the car door they pulled him out of the car. One guard called Arjun immediately ..

"Hello sir" Security said as soon as Arjun received the call.

"Ha tell Alex"Arjun said listening Alex voice.

"Sir Sanskar sir met with an accident" Alex said.

"What?" Arjun exclaimed in shock by listening him.

"What the hell you are all doing?" Arjun spatted in anger forgetting the situation.

"Sir ...wo Sanskar sir was driving car" Alex said in fear.

Arjun calmed himself it's not a time to shout...
"Ok Alex quickly bring him to Swasan Hospital. I will come there" Arjun said immediately..

"Ok Sir" Alex said and cut the call.

Both guards put Sanskar in back seat and speeded their cars towards hospital. Within 10 min they reached hospital at the same time Arjun reached ther. Guards put him on stretcher. Sanskar was loosing his consciousness. Arjun held his hand.

"Sanskar don't close your eyes...please keep open...nothing will happen to you" Arjun was saying while moving along with Sanskar towards OT. He has tears in his eyes seeing his friend cum bro in this state again. Sanskar was not able to talk anything as he was loosing his conciousness slowly. Arjun saw Swara who was coming opposite side..

"Swara" Arjun called called her as soon as he saw her.
Swara looked at Arjun with confusion and then at stretcher. Swara got shock seeing Sanskar in pool of blood. She felt her heart beat has stopped for a minute because now she was slowly accepting him as her husband however he would be but again God was playing cruel game with her. She felt weak but composed herself because it's not a time to think anything..

"What happened to him?" Swara asked him.while near them.

"I will tell you later....please save him" Arjun said in requesting tone as tears were edge of his eyes.
Swara saw Sanskar who has lost his conciousness fully.

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