"I can't walk"

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Peters pov:
My eyes fluttered open, and I noticed that it was dark. Strange. I grabbed my phone off the table near my bed and checked the time, 3:24am.

Lovely, I have school tomorrow. Now why did I wale up, I don't even know. I try to put my phone back but my arm goes limp and starts to hurt. "Ouch" I clench my teeth and wait for it to stop hurting, it does and I put my phone back, and fall asleep.

The next time I wake up it's actually morning and I push myself out of bed and get changed.  "Good morning may" I smile as I greet my aunt in the kitchen.

"Good morning Pete, sleep well?"  She asks piling pancakes onto a plate.

"Yeah, I woke up at like three in the mornin though. It was weird, how'd you sleep?"

"Good, That is weird. Oh well, you better hurry and eat or you'll be late"

"You're right" I sit down and eat my food. I wave good bye to May and head to school. I pass the animal shelter and see they are having an adoption. I would love to have a little cat but our landlord said absolutely no pets, except for fish. Maybe I'll get a fish?

Before I know it I'm at school and begin my walk to find Ned. When I see him I walk over, "hey Ned" I greet.

"Hey, so I heard we have a test in Calc today. A pop quiz but a test"

"How'd you hear about it?" Weird my legs are tingling like pins and needles.

"Someone saw it on his desk when they were leaving yesterday. It said pop 'test'" Ned explaines waving his hands in the air. At least the tingling has stopped.

On our way to home room I suddenly can't walk correctly I keep tripping over my own feet. "You okay?" Ned asks.

"Think so, it's weird" I explain focusing on walking the right way. We eventually make it to home room and the rest of the day goes by relatively quickly.

It's time for Calc and I take my seat, silently thanking Ned for telling me about the pop 'test' because I had a chance to study. I'm actually going to pass this.

Except when the teacher puts the paper down I can't move my arm to start writing. It just doesn't happen, and I'm hyper aware of my heart beat. I can usually just hear others but I can feel mine. When my hand agrees to move and pick up the pencil it starts going smoothly. Up until the point where I can't read the questions because it seems as though it's double. What is happening to me today?

Either way, I struggle to finish the test and leave for the day. I try to wave good bye to Ned on the way out but I can't make my arm do what I want so I just call out good bye to him.

The familiar black car is waiting for me and I suddenly remember today is a lab day. Of course I trip on my way to the car and I can hear Flags snickering somewhere behind me.

The drive to the tower is a silent as it usually is, I talk and happy ignores me. Eventually I've run out of things to say and just enjoy the scenery, all the people we pass by, each with a different story.

Just like the wall to school I'm at the tower in a breezed. Saying goodbye to happy and walking towards the labs. When I step in the elevator I feel incredibly light headed, almost dizzy but I shake my head and it goes away.

I walk into the lab and see Tony bent over the lab tinkering with something. I throw my bag in its usual spot and take my seat on the opposite side of the table as Tony.

"Oh hey kiddo, didn't hear you come in"

"Yeah, hey" I laugh, but when I try to take a deep breath I can't it's like my lungs won't let me. That might be concerning but I don't want to ruin lab day so I stay quiet.

"I was thinking we could work on one of my cars today. It needs a little fixing and I could teach you how to do it?"

"Yeah, that sounds really cool Tony"

"Ok let's go, follow Me" he stands up and walks the the 'car shop' section of his lab. I follow a little slower because like before I can't coordinate my steps and end up stumbling. But Mr.Stark catches me before I face plant.

"Sorry" I mutter standing up straight.

"You're good, Andy way come sit here"
He leads me to a spot on the floor near the tire. "We're going to change a tire"

"Okay" I say, I've never done it before so I'm excited to learn.

"First, we..."(I don't even know the steps for this so I'm not going to write that part) " Can you go grab that from the table there?"

"Sure" I try to stand but my legs won't move, at all.

"Do you need me to get it?" He jokes.

"Umm, maybe"

"Why what's wrong"

"I can't walk"

"What do you mean you can't walk"

"I mean my legs won't move and I can't walk. I don't know, last night I woke up and my arms really hurt then in school my legs felt like pins and needles and I couldn't walk properly. Then I took a test and my arm wouldn't move to answer, and I was seeing double. Now my legs won't move and I can't take a deep breath" my breathing was short little bursts and I felt myself getting light headed again. "And I fee light headed"

"Ok, I'm going to figure this out don't worry. Fri, could we get a wheel chair down here?"

"Yes, sending DUMME down there now"

"What, he's not already down here where is he?"

"He decided to explore he's currently in Med Bay"

"Well I guess that works out"

"Yes, it does"

I sit there for a few minutes until we both hear the elevator ding and DUMME wheels a wheel chair in and over to us.

"Thanks DUMME" DUMME beeps in joy at completing a task and goes back to his corner. "Okay I'm going to take you upstairs and we're going to see what's going on" Mr.Stark helped me get into the wheel chair and took me upstairs. "It's all going to be fine."

Peter Parker // WhumpWhere stories live. Discover now