No one

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TW: Mentions of Tony's death, gun violence, panic attack

Peter needed to get his mind off what he'd been think about all day. It was the first day back at school since Endgame and it didn't feel right. Happy wasn't there to take him to the tower and the pain was fresh.

So he did the only thing he knew how to do, he went patrolling. He thought that maybe catching bad guys and what not would help.

Karen had located a simple mugging down town, so he started to swing down. There was a young boy, maybe two years younger than him, and two older men. They seemed to be trying to take his phone and wallet.

"You guys know stealing is bad right?" He swung down webbing the first guys hand to the wall.

"Oh hey Peter" this made him freeze, he knew that his identity was out but he had never heard anyone call him by his name. Within that split second of shock the guy who's hand was stuck to the wall used his other hand to grab the gun in his pants and shoot peter twice in the abdomen.

The pain was dull at first, his brain hadn't registered it. He saw the kid run away which was good, the un webbed man helped the webbed man out and they ran the other way.

Peter was clutching his side, he needed to find somewhere to go. He had to call Tony, he always did when he got hurt. So he struggled to climb up to the roof and fell against the cool concrete.

"K-Karen call Tony please" he coughed and tasted a metallic taste on his tongue.

"I'm sorry to report that I can't call Mr.Stark"

"Why-why just call him, h-he told me to...oh" then it all came crashing down. Tears he couldn't stop ran warm down his cold cheeks. He barely heard Karen tell him she was calling Steve.

The air was so thick it was getting hard to breathe, the more chocking breaths he struggled with the more blood he was losing. But he was mid panic attack he couldn't calm down.

It felt like days before he was lifted into a pair of strong arms and held against someone's chest.

"Peter, hey son it's ok" it was Steve, "just breathe for me ok? Your bullet wounds are healing quickly but you need to breathe"

Peter would listen to him but he couldn't, air seemed to have ceased existing. By the time he was able to stop Bruce, Clint and Bucky were with him too.

"Kid, wanna tell us what you're thinking?" Clint asked carefully removing the mask.

"H-he's gone. I-I'm alone he was the only person I had who understood what I was going through, he would understand what I'm going through now but he's not here. He left for good this time and I just wanna go see him, please let me see my dad"

"Oh kid, you think you have no one but kid you have a whole army of people who would risk anything to make you feel better. Trust me, we love you and I know it hurts but we're goin to help you get better" Steve said running his hand up and down Peters arm.

"Yeah, Pete trust me when I say I understand what you're going through, I can help you but only if you want me to." Bucky assured.

"Th-thank you, can we g-go it's cold now" Peters shivering had grown.

"Yeah" Steve picked peter up and walked towards the jet that was parked on the roof.

He set peter down on the bed and turned the lights off once he knew peter was asleep.
"We need to tell him"

"Bucky he's not strong enough yet, remember he asked us to tell peter once he's back to his normal self. If peter sees him now it could hurt him more than heal him. If peter sees the damage"

"I guess you're right" Bucky sighed.

"Back to the compound?" Clint asked from the pilots seat.

"Yeah, we need to take care of this kid for a little until he can know"

"Aye aye captain, oh and we've got an incoming call from Black Sabbath."

"Put it through to the front cabins" Steve and Bucky made there way to the front of the jet and shut the door behind them.

"Hey capsicle, did you get him"

"Yeah, he's really shaken up"

"I know I saw Karen's reports he tried to call, I need to see him Steve. but I don't what to hurt him...

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