Week three

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Day 15:Nose bleeds
Peter woke up exhausted yet again, but he hated himself when he didn't do anything. So he physically dragged himself out of bed, not noticing the red substance on his skin. He only noticed it when he saw it, his nose was bleeding and rather profusely. He grabbed a tissue and held it to his nose, remembering not to tilt his head back, he didn't feel like choking on blood today.

In about ten minutes the bleeding subsided and he was left with a reddish stain under his nose. He took a clean tissue and ran it under the cold water. He gently cleaned around his nose hoping it didn't happen again.

Once he was finished with his nose he walked back into his room and pulled out a pair of black sweat pants and a baggy AC/DC t-shirt from his dresser. He changed and needed to sit down, cool air brushed past his lips with every slow breath. When he gathered just enough energy to stand up he did, and as soon as he took a step the pounding in his head reappeared. He didn't feel like he could go down but he would, he still could it just took more out of him now than it used to.

He leaned against the hallway about ten feet away from his door and closed his eyes. The exhaustion coupled with the headache and growing nausea made him consider going back to bed. However he decided not to, he pushed himself almost to his breaking point and managed to collapse on the barstool once again.

"God peter you don't look good"

"Thanks mocking jay" he bit back, trying to ignore the fact his body was freezing but his head knew it was burning up.

"Hey, Jarvis can you take Peter's temperature from up there?" Clint asked the ceiling.

"Clinton I am not just up here I am everywhere. To answer your question yes, I can take Mr. Parker's temperature from 'up here'. He currently has a core temperature of 103.8°F or 39.889°C"

"Shit that's high, ok thanks, Jarvis. How did I get stuck in this position I mean I can take care of kids with fevers but a spider kid with a fever caused by alien poison is a little much"

"Clint you're rambling" Peter grunted out.

"Right sorry, let's get you to the couch. Oh my gods"

"What?" Then he felt the warm substance on his lip. Great another nose bleed.

"Here," Clint said handing him a tissue. "And don't tilt your head back or-"

"I'll choke on my own blood. This happened before too I think it's the next symptom"

"Ok should I get Bruce?" Clint asked unsure of what to do.

"No I'll go down," he started to get off the stool and the world spun, "or not" he fell against the kitchen island and slid down it until he was on the floor.

"Clint Barton, What have you done to my son," Tony asked storming in, he walked straight over to Peter and sat down in front of him, "hey kiddo can I take you to the couch it's probably more comfortable?"

"Yeah" Peter nodded, he allowed Mr. Stark to pull him up and leaned against his side.

"I didn't, I'm sorry I don't know what to do" Clint answered, his voice was shaking.

"Hey, Clint it's fine it wasn't you. He got hit it's the aliens' fault never yours" Tony responded gently pushing Peter against the back of the couch so he could lay down.

"Thanks, I guess I'm sorry Tony, umm nose bleeds are the new symptom by the way. Also, I don't think he should be alone anymore. We've been giving him room for too long he's suffering by himself."

"You're very right," Tony said, "ok I'm going to arrange something, so we have no choice but to be together"

"Ok sound good, need me to watch him? I think I can do it now"

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