Week two

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TW: panic attack

Part three of "hello?"

Day 8:
Peter woke up with a terrible headache, which was normal now. He'd been getting headaches since he was first poisoned, and they had been worse than he's ever felt. They made it nearly impossible to do anything, key word nearly. He of course, got up and got dressed. He stumbled into the kitchen and took a seat at the bar. For some reason a feeling of uneasiness washed over him. It wasn't like his spidey sense so he didn't think he was in danger, but he also did. It made it hard for him to breathe and he stood up suddenly.

"Peter? What's wrong?" Steve asked from the couch where he was sketching.

"I- I don't know" he said his teethe snapped shut just as his eyes did.

"Hey kiddo, what's wrong are you ok?" Tony asked from behind his closed eyes. The feeling subsided enough for him to breathe. "Hey it's ok, come sit down" Tony hugged peter to his side and led him to the couch. When they were sitting peter fully relaxed and fell against Tony's side.

"It's ok now" he sniffled.

"Ok kiddo, if you really are ok now I have a meeting I need to go to, Pepper will kill me if I don't"

"Yeah go" peter nodded, however when tony stood up and left the room the feeling returned. He got up and walked through the halls to ease his mind but found it harder and harder to breathe. When he turned left for the second time his breathing stopped completely. He fell against the wall clutching his chest, it felt like he was choking on air but couldn't get enough. He barely registered the foot steps until they stopped right in front of him.

"Peter, look at me. Open your eyes please" when peter opened his eyes he was able to put a name to the voice. It was Bucky.

"Bucky I-i please make it stop I don't know what's happening." Without warning peter flung himself against Bucky chest, the sudden contact made breathing a little easier. "Wait" he forced himself to move away from Bucky and the breathing was impossible again, and when he fell back against buckets chest he could breathe, but that didn't stop the fact he still felt sick, and exhausted. The last time he'd had a panic attack had been horrible. But with his other symptoms this one was unbearable.

"Oh, ok let's get you to Bruce" Bucky helped peter up, not hearing the grunts peter made as his exhausted body was pulled upright, and kept him tight against his side, making sure to rub his hand up and down Peters arm, grounding him.

"Oh hey guys what's up?" Bruce asked setting down his cup of what seemed to be tea.

"I think I know Peters symptom for today" Bucky said, letting Peter sit on the lab station, but keeping his hand on his shoulder.

"Ok" Bruce said, walking over to join them.

"I think you could call it touch starved or something like that. He fell into a panic attack in the hallway and it stopped when he hugged me. Then started again when he let go"

"Ah, yeah that could very well be it. Can we test it real quick, do you know if it's with everyone or if he needs certain people?" Bruce asked stepping away.

"I'm not sure, I guess we'll find out it's not like this is going to go away soon" Bucky answers also backing away.

They watched as Peters face morphed into one of concern, then fear. He started to shake and breathe heavily, looking around seeming to have tunnel vision. Not noticing Bucky or Bruce were only a few feet away.

"I don't like this" Bucky said, "can I go over now?"

"I don't either, I'll do it we have to see if it's with anyone" Bruce started walking towards peter and pulled him into a hug. Bucky watched as Peters face changed into one of relief. Again not noticing the exhaustion that costed his features.

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