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"rumour has it that you got yourself a boy toy, what's he like?" jimin asked the younger male, leaning lazily on his arm as he watched the brunette busting his ass trying to serve and clean all the tables himself.

"no! he's literally anything but a boy toy" jungkook rolled his eyes, ignoring the elders comments on taehyung.

"you sure? from what i heard he sure seems like it" that made jungkook stop what he was doing, slamming the cleaning product on the dirty table in rage.

"don't talk about him like that!" the brunette growled. despite how annoying the cat hybrid was, it angered him when he heard others calling him humiliating names and terms, such as now. jimin was implying that he was a slut, and he was having none of it.

jimin raised his hands in defence, backing off a little before carrying on with his work in the till, much to the angry and impatient customers relief.

jungkook carried on as well, scrubbing at the table with a wash cloth more vigorously, almost scratching the surface.

' is that how he's seen? as a slut in everyone else's eyes?'

he felt an ever growing pit of guilt in his stomach, weighing him down and draining him of energy.

'was it me who made them believe that?'

that thought only made him feel worse, rushing to the staff room of the cafe. in this state of mind, he could easily lash out at someone and lose his job.

ignoring jimins angry yells of protest, he shut the door to the room, resting on one of the many couches with a sigh.

"tough day, huh?" he heard a cheerful yet sympathetic voice beside him. craning his neck, he turned and came face to face with his boss, jin.

"pff, tell me about it" jungkook chuckled, raking one of his veiny hands through his sweaty hair. he didn't even realise he was hot.

jin smiles sweetly, reaching into his jean pocket and taking out a rag, handing it to the younger to wipe his sweat off.

"well... if it makes you feel better, everyone has friday off. i'm having a party that day at my house and everyone's invited!" he offered, grin widening when the brunette took the rag and nodded.

"you can even bring that roommate of yours~" jin said in a sing-song voice, a mischievous glint in his eye, to which jungkook elbowed him to get the look off his face.

"i sure will, and you guys will love him"

and so will you, jungoo

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I'm also really sorry I'm not updating as fast as I would like to, but there's been a god up in the clouds seeing my goal list and just saying "nOpe"

anyways- I'm blabbering, but again thank you~ Idk how many people are actually reading this but I just wanna say that I love and appreciate all of you uwu 🌺

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