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1 Year Ago

I got home.

It's been a few hours since I've been out.

I slammed my car door and walked into my house, shaking, foaming out my mouth, fists clenched. My face probably swollen from all the crying.

"Nova?" My father called. "Is that you?"

I locked the front door and went straight to my room, completely ignoring him. I scanned everything around me. So perfect. Inanimate, without feelings and loss. How beautiful it must be to be some dull object with no life. To not have anything to lose.

I fell into my impulses just looking at the contents of my room. I quickly ripped off the white button-up shirt I had on. I left my slacks on and picked up my old metal bat under my bed.

I swung it around, purposely hitting anything and everything in sight.

All the broken stuff in my room is scattered into pieces on my wooden floors. I took the metal bat to my bedpost and kept swinging until the wood was destroyed. I could barely feel the usually painful vibrations in my hands from hitting something so hard.

"Nova!" My father yelled while busting into my room.

He quickly got a hold of the bat, but I wouldn't let it go. He struggled with me for a few seconds and eventually got it out of my hands. He threw it behind him and I tried to run for it, but he locked me up in his arms.

I screamed at the top of my lungs, trying my best to get out of his hold. I managed to slip out while kicking and twisting my body around.

I ran for the bat, picking it up and running out of my room altogether.

"Nova! Nova!" My father yelled. I heard him running after me. "Nova!"

The adrenaline in my body has me completely wired beyond control. I took the bat to the refrigerator this time, denting the metal on the first swing.

He tackled me to ground, but taking most of the fall for the both of us. The bat rolled somewhere away from me. He held me tighter this time, but my energy already started to take a massive hit. My head was pounding, my skull feeling like it was slowly breaking. I could barely move my body because of my Dad's hold.

All I can do now is scream and cry.

I screamed at the ceiling. I know for a fact I sound like a wounded animal, but I feel like one and it's the worst feeling in the world.

My father held me in his arms on the ground until I couldn't scream anymore. I heaved, trying to catch the air in the room. My head started spinning and my body started to boil under what felt like a thousand suns.

My eyes rolled back several times. It felt as if someone flipped a switch inside my body and shut me off. Before I passed out, I felt my father slowly starting to release his hold on me.

When I woke up, it was back in my room, on my bed. I shot up and looked around. I quickly noticed that my room was clean. I was still in my black slacks and my sports bra.

I turned to look outside my window to see it was night time already. Did I pass out for that long? Shit.

I sighed gently. I heard footsteps getting closer and closer to my room door. Of course, it was my father, but he looked as drained as ever and I probably made it worse.

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