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My mother was sitting down on the couch with my father. They were whispering about something as I was making myself a sandwich in the kitchen.

"Nova, come here. We have to talk to you," My mother called.

"Coming," I carried my sandwich on a plate to the living room and sat on the coffee table, directly in front of them.

"I'm sick," She announced dryly.

"With a cold?" I asked.

"No ..." She drifted off.

I felt the atmosphere change. Something horrible was ready to be announced. I could tell by the sad looks on their faces.

My father spoke now, "Your mother has a respiratory sickness. One that ... can't be cured."

I put my plate down to the side, trying to understand what the hell I was being told.

I looked straight at my Mom, who was holding my Dad's hand, "Can't be cured? What does that mean?"

She sighed, her eyes slightly glazed over with tears, "It means that ... I have limited time."

An extraordinary amount of pain filled my chest and heart, "M—Mom, what? When did this happen?"

She shook her head, "That doesn't matter. All that matters now is sticking together as a family."

I don't really know what to say or how to feel. My mother is telling me that she's gonna die pretty soon and we're going to be here to watch her die.

My eyes were filling with tears and I couldn't hold them back. My words disintegrated into nothing as I tried to say something, anything. I couldn't.

Now we have to count her days.

"We will get through this, all together. There is nothing I want more for the rest of this year than to spend time with you and love you, just as I've been doing since you were conceived. Since your Dad and I have been together."

"Mom we can't lose you. Please,"

My Dad sighed, looking defeated and broken, "Nova, theres nothing we can do."

"Don't say that! Mom! Mom!"

"Nova! Nova!"


My father had his hands at my arms. He was shaking me slightly. I felt my cheeks wet and my vision was a bit fuzzy. The pain that was harboring my body had left. I could no longer feel it.

I blinked rapidly to adjust my eyesight back to normal.

He brushed my hair out of my face. He looked tired himself and he wreaked of work, "You were screaming and crying, are you okay?"

I spoke, my voice weak, "I—I was screaming?"

He sighed softly, "Nightmare?"

I shook my head, "No ... no, not really, I think."

"Why are you home so early?" He asked.

"What? It's the morning ... I have to get ready for school,"

He checked his watch, "It's one in the afternoon. You're not home until another hour or two."

My heart sank into my stomach, "Did I oversleep?"

He looked puzzled, "How did you manage to do that?"

I groaned, a distant pounding in my head. I need to shower and eat. I can't believe I slept through an entire day of school. This would be the first time I miss school. I guess I can't complain too much. It's a Friday.

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