In Athena's Eyes: "Nova Is"

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My back was supported against the headboard of our bed. My lesson plan notes on my lap long forgotten as I realized a few minutes into "studying" them that my daydreams were successful in seducing me. The black pen placed between my index and middle finger now just an accomplice for fidgeting.

I held my left hand out for a quick moment, eyeing the beautiful diamond ring on my finger.

I remained on the same set of notes for about five minutes before I could actually get myself to focus on the words I wrote down in front of me. I only got through a few more pages when a heavy and muscular arm much to my liking slouched over my thighs, almost wrapping around them.

I glanced at my sleeping fiancé, who slept like a rock, whose gorgeous face was smothered in her pillow. Her complete backside in full view as her freshly trimmed hair was flipped out of her face.

She loved to keep her hair at shoulder length though it was capable of growing much longer.

She groaned softly. I watched as her sculpted back rose and fell with each breath she took. I hummed softly to myself, sticking the tip of the pen between my lips.

I outlined the muscles with my eyes, studying and remembering each crevice and dip of the tight skin I've fancied beyond my wildest dreams. My nails loved to dig, mark, and scratch into that perfect back. I loved to grab her broad shoulders and feel along them.

I had fallen in love with watching her work out. The endless grunts and strained noises were more than enough to get a girl going. The sweat that collected around her body, sometimes dripping from her chin or sliding down her abs, made her look even more edible.

My eyes traveled down her spine and to her lifted and toned rump — covered by her tight polyester blend white briefs — that I liked to grab, pinch, and slap playfully every now and then.

She began to stir more in her sleep eventually turning on her back. Her arm that was once draped over my thighs now crossed under her head. Here's where my view really peaked.

Nova is big, especially for a woman. She towered over me in height and in her general size that's gradually progressed over the years. Being just an incomparable 5'4" to her 5'10" authoritarian stature made me swoon internally since the first time I laid my eyes on her.

I never imagined myself with someone so physically — and emotionally — strong. I found abs and things of the sort so mundane on the male anatomy until I saw it on a woman. My woman. Somehow she's always maintained the perfect amount of muscle.

I couldn't believe she was a high school student when we first met. Even though she looked mean and unjust with her resting bitch face and eyebrow scar she was anything but.

I enjoyed these quiet mornings, fulfilled by her resting body next to me, the sun rays slipping through the cracks of our blinds. Sometimes we didn't get this luxury because I was usually out of the house before she even woke up.

Her light snores filled the air as she laid on her back — which didn't last long on most occasions. She's told me more than once sleeping on her back has become more uncomfortable as her chest had grown heavier.

Her stomach dipped in deep then inflated back up. Her stout lips puffy and pouty. The tip of her nose slightly red from rubbing it against the pillow earlier. Her jaw so sharp and so strong — one of my favorite places to sit. Her nipples now hardening, catching the new breeze of the central air conditioning that turned back on.

I bit the tip of my pen, taking in her perfect features. My handsome and painfully gorgeous girlfriend was a sight.

Her abs that were beyond solid to the touch, looked incredibly soft right now. The V-cut where her obliques met her pelvis is carved into her skin like marble. The definition of her entire body was one many yearned over. I swear she was molded by the old master sculptors themselves.

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