"The Isle..." Part II...

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"The Isle..."

PG 13

Summary: What "Riverdale" did to "Archie and Jughead" and "Betty and Veronica", I'm doin' to "Gilligan's Isle" ...

Disclaimer: All characters of Gilligan's Isle remain property of that series...Any resemblance of fictional characters to those living or dead is purely coincidental...

Part II...

Screaming and sounds of plates striking wall within the Minnow...Ginger on deck, sorting through her meager belongings...It was only supposed to be a three hour tour, after all...Professor Hinkle trying to tinker with the ship's radio transmitter...Hopeless, he was sure, but it had to be tried...Both looking over to the stairs below up which Mary Wholesomeby now ran, shocked and frightened...

Crumpt's angry screams pursuing her... "Get this slop out of my face! You're fired, you worthless little...! Who's your supervisor?! Grumbie! Kick her off the boat!" She raced for the stern, in tears, nervously shaking, taking a seat on the slanted deck.

"She doesn't work for him or you, asshole!" Ginger called back.

"Shut up! I'm in charge here! Grumbie! I'm buyin' this boat! Now! Kick that one off, too!"

"I should let him..." the Skipper winked at Miss Grant who smiled. "But he might try to claim some of the useful stuff. Sorry, Mr. Crumpt..." he raised voice. "My boat's not for sale...And these ladies are passengers too. So pipe down and either eat what we offer you or go find your own!"

"Grumbie! I'm gonna sue you! All of you!" scream...

"Oh, I'm getting off..." Ginger rolled eyes. "I need a walk anyway."

"Let me help you down, Miss Grant..." the Professor came over.

"Thanks..." she eyed him. He coming over to the railing where the ladder ran down, lengthened to reach the ground by a second, rope ladder attachment...Putting a steadying hand on the railing at the ladder...Awaiting...

Not bad...She eyed him.

Not bad at all...Still, lets find out what's what before we go on the prowl, eh girl?

"Careful..." he cautioned as she clambered over...

Ok, we can do a nice little stroll and get to know...She blinked as he left her as she stepped on the rope ladder's first rung.

"Skipper? I want to try and see if I can bypass this broken bulb. Do you have an insulated wrench?"

"I'll get it from the tool kit, Professor, just a sec." Grumbie rose and head to the pilot cabin.

Ginger staring from the ladder as Ms. Wholesomeby came over to her...

"Can I go too? I'd like to see the island."

"Yeah...Sure." Ginger frowned over at the professor...

Geesh...A lot richer and better-looking guys than you haven't gotten as far as you just had the chance too, buddy...

"Here you go, Professor..." the Skipper had returned with desired object.

"Thanks..." Hinkle began fussing with the wrench.

"Say, ladies." The Skipper called. "Be careful out there...Don't go too far from the boat. Remember Gillligan's still checking the area. Especially keep clear of those woods till we know what's in there."

"We will, Skipper." Mary called from ladder, waving...Urging Ginger now to continue on down.

Geesh...Not even running to be my knight protector....Ginger looked over at the Skipper.

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