"The Isle..." Part XV...

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"The Isle..."

PG 13

Summary: What "Riverdale" did to "Archie and Jughead" and "Betty and Veronica", I'm doin' to "Gilligan's Isle" ...

Disclaimer: All characters of Gilligan's Isle remain property of that series...Any resemblance of fictional characters to those living or dead is purely coincidental...

Part XV...

The hut in the "natives' village" Agent 009 had occupied for the night...

Early am...Well before sunrise...

"Hello?" the strikingly handsome agent carefully and lithely lying on straw mat but fully dressed, addressed his slender satellite phone. "This is 009 to MI6, come in."

He glanced about carefully, taking all in...

Including the lack of companionship...

So, Nauri had decided not to join him...


But, save that bit for later...A little amusement and reward for a job well done...

"009? Receiving you? What do you have to report?" his earpiece, crackling.

"The isle appears deserted but for a native girl. There was a village here but it may have been a deception. Seems likely our information is correct and the place was either used by our American friends or our old rivals. I've not found the main base yet but I am checking the volcano this morning. Are we still getting unusual readings?"

"Negative, 009, it's returned to normal. Though that is actually unusual..."

"Too quick a return, eh?" amused smile.

"Indeed." Curt reply.

Show off bastard...He could have let me have this one, Q at MI6 frowned at his phone.

"So, the volcano is unlikely a real one..." 009 noted.

"It's impossible to say exactly, gases and temperatures appear consistent with volcanic activity, but volcanos don't start and shut off periodically, 009." Q, slight annoyance at being denied a surprise revelation. "Though if someone is causing this, it's an amazing technology, especially in concealing it so long. Our first indication of renewed activity was over a year ago, as I hope you know."

"I've read the reports, Q." smile. "And the reason why I was called in...Sporadic traces of what appear to be intense radiation."

"But carefully filtered as if someone were deliberately trying to remove all traces, we were only lucky our satellite was doing atmospheric testing at the right time. It can't be natural and we must know about it 009, it must be a major project and the whole reason for someone utilizing a base on that island. And its concealment is troubling..."

"Likely American, given our intel on the base here."

"Regardless, we must know. If even our allies are keeping such a project from us, at such a critical time when Russia may gain control of their government via trump or Crumpt..."

"Well, I'll inspect it after sunrise."

"What about this 'native girl'." M at base had cut in, his tone stern. "Apart from my usual desire to see you conduct yourself with a modicum of decorum, 009, it has occurred to you that she ought not to be there if the village is, as you feel, a deception?"

"Of course...Though she seems authentic enough...Her people came and found the place, thought the village rather odd and fled, leaving her when she became ill. But I'll keep my guard up."

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