"The Isle..." Part XIII...

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"The Isle..."

PG 13

Summary: What "Riverdale" did to "Archie and Jughead" and "Betty and Veronica", I'm doin' to "Gilligan's Isle" ...

Disclaimer: All characters of Gilligan's Isle remain property of that series...Any resemblance of fictional characters to those living or dead is purely coincidental...

Part XIII...

The pig-eyed rage on Crumpt's face had turned to cowardly terror as Karen had continued to press her foot on his fat neck's windpipe after she emerged from the tank shower to find him trying to drag the comatose Todd out of the bed in the lower cabin, confronted him, blocked his clumsy attempt to throw her aside, and swiftly brought his large bulk to the floor with a swift kick and heave.

"Glug...g..." he gasped as the Skipper and Professor, followed by a rather reluctant Lovely had come down into the cabin at the noise.

Wow. A bit more pressure and Gill(igan) and I can consider our work here done, Grumbie noted.

But, poor woman shouldn't have to face jail over this sack of crap...He hurried over, the Professor following...

"Come on, Miss! Let him up!"

Leave him to the professionals, lady.

"He was trying to toss Todd out of the bed...And he took the first poke at me." Karen glared at Crumpt.

Steve now at the top of the stairs, eyeing the scene.

Big mistake, Mr. Crumpt. To take on Karen.

"Let him up, please, Miss Cushman." The Professor urged.

Lovely behind the Professor, eyeing Fredwyn on the floor...

"Please, I'm sorry. He's very stressed." She sighed.

"He's a lot of things, I doubt stress is much of a factor." Karen noted, lessening pressure.

"Geeett her off me!" groan.

"Miss, I have to ask you..." the Skipper, insistent.

"Anything, pal." Wicked gleaming grin.

Steve rolling eyes...That's Karen...Always makes a play for the guy in power...

"Yeah, yeah, ok." She sighed at the looks.

"Get up you sack of garbage." She ordered, taking foot off.

"Some..." wheeze... "...Body. Lock..." wheeze... "Herrrr." Cough, wheeze... "Up." Crumpt groaned, trying to rise.

"Could you gentlemens give me a hand with him?" Lovely had come to where Crumpt still lay trying to rise in sitting position.

Think we'll need two more men...The Skipper and Professor each thought.

"Come on, heave ho!" Karen thrust an arm under Crumpt's right arm at the shoulder, waving to the Skipper who did likewise with the left.

"Upsidaisy..." she noted.

"Lock...Her...UP!" Crumpt pointed a fat finger, still wheezing.

"Sorry, no." the Skipper shook head.

"I'll...Get...You...All of you...For dis...!" Crumpt gasped, Lovely coming to his side. "When I'm President, yous'll feel the wrath of Crwumpt!" he insisted.

"Not now, darling. Come, lets go back on deck." She offered hand, he thrusting it aside.

"Get...That guy...Outta my...Bed! Now!" he gasped at the Skipper.

"The Isle..."Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora