Chapter *

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"I love you baby".

"I love you too", Then we kissed.












It was a knock on my door waking me up. I woke and put my hands over my face.I been having this same dream with the same part for about a month now.I dont know who I'm talking talking too.I can't see his face or anything.I just see his hands and they dark, his voice his deep and smooth. Sometimes I think hard about it but sometimes I just put it in the back of my head.

I walk to the door to see my bestfriend Lauren.

"Good morning hun"smiling with starbucks in her hand.

"Hey", I said drly.

I'm not a morning person and I hate that I work first shift but I have to do what I got to do.I work has receptionist at a law firm and also a parole office. The job is pretty cool but sometimes annoying because the criminal that be trying to talk to me or give me their number.

"Wake up amd start getting ready", Lauren said knocking me out my thoughts.

"Ok", I walk to my room trying to find what I was going to wear today. I decided with a beige shirt and a black blazers, black skirt with black and gold heels.After I got done I went to do my make-up and hair. I comb down my hair and part it in the middle where it was flowing down my back. It not mines but I brought it so it is. I grab my purses and decided to switch to my beige and black purse.I look into the mirror and like what I seen.

When I walk into the living room. Lauren was on her phone. Shes a lawyer at the building I work at. She the one that told me about the job.We been friends for about 3 years now.I move up here to go to The Lincoln University. I wanted to come up here to better or help with the education program. Philly wasn't my first choice but it was close to it and i was happy when i got the letter that said i got accepted.I love it up here but when it get cold it gets cold.The snow is crazy and you still have to go to work uggg that the part i hate.I meet great people so I wouldnt change it for the world.

I grab my lunch and we walk out the door.We dont drive to work cause of traffic and also the building isn't that far.I havent told Lauren about the dreams and the guy that in them.I'm reall embrassed about it and i dont want people to think im weird that im having a dream about a dude that face i dont see.

We got into the building we said our goodbyes and that we will see each other at lunch.It was a pretty boring day.It usually isnt like this it be so much drama at this place its not even funny.One time this dude was coming in with his chick or side chick while his girlfriend was in their waiting for them.It wasnt even funny and i had to cll the police and everything. I laugh now about it but I swear it wasn't funny at the time.

Around the about 1230 this dude comes in at the same time every week.We dont speak but say hey or have a good day.He looks good to i cant lie. He remains me of meek mill. He look good always came in dress and wears a nice size watch.

"Good afternoon Sasha", He spoke.

I was shocked that he knew my name. He winked and walk to the elevator.

I didn't get to see him after cause I went to lunch. I need to know his name and about him. My mind first went to the drams and the dude hands they was the same xolpr and everything.The way he spoke was smooth when he said he love me.

Lauren and I was sitting eating when I brought it up to her.

"Hey, whats the dude name that comes in and he remains you of meek mill."

She took mintue and then said,"Raheem why".

"Oh nothing he spoke to me".

"Okay", she said weirdly.

I could tell her so I keep eating. I was walking back ro my desk when I been these beautiful flowers. At first I thought it was someone in the building so I lool at the note but I was wrong I would like to see you again. I was shocked that I got flowers I never got flowers before amd getting it from somebody I didn't know made it more special.

The smiled I had on my face could go away.

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Different story but not a meek mill fan fiction . I'm just using him to play the guy.

Tell me if yall want me to keep going???

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