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     Finally the day arrives. The one that I have been waiting for for so long. The day of my escape.

     I have successfully earned enough money to last me a little while, and have successfully learnt to read and write a little, and can add and subtract simple numbers. So now, I decide, I will escape.

     The day night arrives, I wake exactly when planned, knowing the nightly check ups will have finished, and i will be safe -for now. I climb to the window; drop my small parcel of belongings wrapped in a tartan blanket and then jump from the window, twisting my ankle badly in the process.

   I limp slowly towards the fence that boxes me in and separates me from the woods outside. I seek out a hole in the fence an worm my way under, getting badly scratched in the process.

     I head out into the woods, wincing slightly at each step. Once concealed in the woods, I find a suitable stick to use as a staff, cover the end in some fabric, grit my teeth and keep going slightly faster.

A/N: so, yeah, this will be shorter than the last author's note, sorryv about that, and sorry this is so short, but, as I said, its adapted from 500 words, so bear with ne. I am gonna to the person she meets at the starts POV, and possibly a Ferard fanfic, but I'm unsure. More up tomorrow, hopefully cause I have no more English essay to write, so i should have time to write, and i want to do the las couple of chapters from Nellie's POV, befote coninuing with Peter's POV and then doing the sequel.

    Also, huge thanks and hugs to @FlamingUnicorn00 for mentioning me on your profile, go check out her stuff, its fucking amazing, and help to get the start of the end by her to 300 reads by Friday!!!

Comment, vote, be nice, smile exetara.

Jo x

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