Food, Shelter and Patterns

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      I walk for miles, over the hard, uneven, ground. I walk, and walk,  until I collapse, my ankle unable to take any more. Then I stop, knowing that I need shelter. I know what I must do: I look around me until I find what I'm looking for, I find more branches similar to that of my staff, secure them into the ground, cover them with my cloak. Finally, I settle down for the night, intending to wake at dawn, but fail. Instead, I awake confused, look at the light filtering through the tree tops above me and discover that it must be around midday.

     I dismantle my tent and walk on, eventually discovering a stream, in which I find a suitably sharp piece of flint.


Three hours later, I have killed a rabbit, figured out how to skin it, and started a decent enough fire to cook it on. At about dusk, I smother my fire, deciding to move on, a piece of rabbit in hand.

     I finally done a decent spot, collapse and remake a similar shelter to the one of the night before. After this, my days follow a  similar pattern: sleep, wake, eat, make a shelter, dismantle the shelter, hunt and move on.

     That is, until I found this cave, until my ankle was so bad I could no longer continue. And I've been here ever since."

Peter's POV

"So that's your story?" I ask, trying to hide my nervousness, hoping that this apparition in front of me can't hear the fear in my voice.

"Yes. What's yours?" She asks, bluntly and truthfully.


     You see that's what admire about her: her bluntness, her truthfulness, her practically and her trust. I may have only known this apartition for a few hours, but I know how trusting she is, I know this by the fact that she shared her story with a complete stranger, furthermore, a story that involves illegalites and escape, one that could get her into a lot of trouble if it gets into the wrong hands.

Sorry this is kinda shit, I wrote a chapter that I was really proud of and then it delted itself. So sorry.

I just want to thank you guys for like 40 reads, holy fucking shit. Thanks to @FlamingUnicorn00, for getting people to read this on her profile and making me smile. Go check out her books, and I may be posting a new one soon.

Also, I'm getting a fucking guitar for Christmas!!!, and I don't know what to call her, so suggest names please!

More thanks to @FlaminhUnicorn00 for being my first commenter, huge internet hugs to you, and if anyone comments I will love you forever!!!

Keep smiling, comment,vote, ext. and be nice!

Jo x

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