CHAPTER 10: Raiden

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I couldn't believe I almost kissed Frankie but the moment felt right and I'm somebody who goes after what they want and she is who I want.

Sure it has taken some time for me to finally do something about it but I finally realized last night that I would drive myself crazier if I didn't claim her.

She has done something to me somehow and I like it, to be honest. There is still the voice in the back of my head though that tries and tells me to be careful and what could happen to her if any of my enemies ever found out she was mine but the selfish part of me still wants her and won that argument. So now here we are.

Friday was the day after tomorrow and I already made reservations at the restaurant I was taking her to.

Today I was busy going back and forth having meetings on the phone and writing things down, when Markus came walking into the office.

"Hey." He says.

"Hey." I reply without looking up from my phone as I finish messaging a client. "How ya feeling?" I ask him.

"I feel much better. You know me though, I never drink to where I feel much the next day." He laughs.

"Which is bullshit." I tease him.

"I know. Anyways, I wanted to let you know that Bootsie had called earlier this morning to remind you about the dinner Friday night." He says.

"What?" I asked not knowing what he meant right away.

"You know, the dinner with Alfred 'Bootsie' schllecker?" He reminds me.

'Bootsie' was a nickname given to a real bad mafia leader who has been in the business since he was fourteen and took over after his father was gunned down in front of him.

He was given the nickname because after finding the man who gave the orders to kill his father, he stomped them to death, bashing in their skulls using nothing but the heel of his boots and he sometimes would also use his boots to stomp on men's adam's apples. He enjoyed his 'trademark'.

Just like other organized crime leaders as well as their crew, it's a rule of thumb practically. When given a nickname, that's how you know you made it into the crew.

Then as of right now, we have recently decided to do business together on certain 'projects' coming up and a few weeks ago, he had asked me to join him for dinner with his wife and he is not somebody you turn down an offer like that.

"Oh shit. I forgot about that dinner." I start to face palm myself. "How could I have forgotten all about it?!" I say.

"Relax. There's no need to freak out." He chuckled.

"No, I forgot about it and I already made plans to take Frankie out Friday." I admit.

"Aww...I always knew you both looked good together." He coos with sarcasm.

"Shut the fuck up." I tell him.

"Well hey, why don't you take Frankie then!?" He suggests.

"No." I quickly reply.

"Why not?!" He asks.

"Because she doesn't know what I do and it will be too obvious I'm sure after meeting him and his wife." I began to explain.

"Wait, are you serious about Frankie not having any idea what you do for a living?" He asks.

"No. And I'd like to honestly keep it like that for as long as I can." I tell him before returning to signing several papers I needed to have sent to the clients.

"Man." He shakes his head.

"What?" I asked.

"You barely know this girl. You have only been around her a handful of times and since the beginning was a complete dick to her and standoff-ish towards her and then last night you take her home and now you have a date with her and you aren't telling her what you do?" He says looking at me with a cocked eyebrow.

"So?" I asked feeling a bit annoyed.

"So....I have never seen you be like that with any other girl before." He smiles.

"Yeah well it's not like we're getting married so, relax." I tell him.

"Uh-huh. Well then what are you going to do for Friday?" He asks me.

"I don't know yet but I'll figure it out." We sit there for a couple moments sharing an awkward moment of silence until I say something. "Look I have a lot to do in the meantime. Go tell the guys to get ready for the meet up tonight at the office." I tell him.

He nods and gets up then heads out and shuts the door behind him.

And sooo it begins.......

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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