CHAPTER 29: Frankie

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It has been a few days since we arrived here at this 'secret' place that Raiden told me he uses to get away from everybody and the world at times.

I felt safe and secure but at the same time, in the back of my head, I also couldn't help but feel a little bit nervous since yesterday as it seems like Raiden had been talking to Giovanni and although I haven't heard much about what exactly they were talking about, I still had felt that whatever it was was bad.

At first I didn't want to say anything because I was sure that if it was really bad and we were in danger or something that involved me having to worry about it, then he would have said something.

Then this morning, after I woke up and noticed he wasn't beside me, I went to look for him and stopped a few feet from the office as the door was shut and he was yelling at who I can only think of was Giovanni.

Markus had come walking out of the room and immediately closed the door behind him and stopped in his tracks when he saw me.

"What's going on?" I ask him.

"Nothing." He forces a smirk.

"Markus..." I look at him with a raised eyebrow and he now has the look of defeat.

"Listen, I...." He began to talk and then the door swung opened and out came a pissed off Raiden who also stopped dead in his tracks as soon as he saw me and he too forced a smile.

"Hey baby." He says and walks up to me and gives me a kiss.

"Good morning. What is going on?" I asked him.

He looks at me for a moment, then looks at Markus before looking back at me and let's out a breath before starting to say anything.

"I told you I wouldn't lie or keep anything from you." He begins.

"Right?" I reply.

"There's a problem that has arised recently. Apparently the guy Giovanni and I were supposed to do business with who is one of the most dangerous men there is, it seems he was found dead the other day." He starts to explain.

"Isn't that a good thing though?" I ask him.

"Yes and no. Because he is dead, that is good in the sense that it's one less threat to our business but the bad part of this is that Giovanni has been accused by some people I know, in being responsible for killing the guy. Who, I had found out had a nephew..." He stops himself.

"Okay? And his nephew will come after you or something?" I ask to try and understand.

"Yes but, it seems that his nephew we both know all too well and happens to have been responsible for killing Hayes." He says.

"What?" I asked in disbelief. "Well, who the hell is this douchebag?!" I asked.

He looks again at Markus and then back at me almost like he doesn't want to tell me or something.

"It's Nielsen." He says.

We all stood there in silence for a while before either one of us says anything as I for one was surprised and shocked. Not to mention disgusted and pissed off.

"That motherfucker." I exclaimed.

"Yeah well, that's not all." He mentions.

"Oh God, there's more?" I ask.

"Well, now don't get upset with me and remember that they are the only people amongst a few others that can help take Nielsen and them all down." He starts to explain.

"What are you talking about?" I ask him.

"I needed to call in the help of your father's people and they have agreed to come and help us and would also like to see you again." He says.

"Wait, you contacted the ones I had purposely left behind to start anew, to come here and help?!" I asked making sure I was hearing him correctly.

"Yes. And I had spoken with them to find out about Nielsen more and had originally thought that maybe they would want to get back at me for putting a hit out on your father and that maybe they had sent Nielsen or something to come and try to kill you or get something from you. However, turns out that for all your life, they always have been looking out for you. So, they stated they would be here by tomorrow night and we would all go over a plan in how to take down Giovanni." He finishes.

I couldn't believe that any of this was happening really. I honestly believed that this had to have been a dream or some kind of a nightmare and CLEARLY didn't think I would be seeing these people again.

Then again, I guess things will be okay since I have Raiden here and I believe he won't let anything bad happen to me. However, this is going to be awkward a little bit tomorrow for me to say the least.....Fingers crossed.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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