CHAPTER 34: Raiden

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I was both turned on, impressed and yet at the same time, feeling a little worried about this 'new' Frankie who just shot somebody. None of us of course saw that coming at all but damn, did that get all of our attention. 

Afterwards, several of the family members had left to go to the hospital and get him fixed up while the others stayed including her Uncle Frank and some of his guys as well as his wife. Although now they were sitting down on the couch still shocked and looking at Frankie in disbelief for a while. 

"Alright well, now that that's out of the way, let's get ready for the meeting huh?" I mentioned to try and quickly change the subject-I hate awkward silence. 

Frankie had next gotten up and headed upstairs towards the bedroom while I followed behind her to make sure that she was alright seeing as how that was her first time shooting a gun and was afraid that her 'high' and adrenaline rush had come down. 

"Hey." I began. 

"Hey." She says as she turns to look at me and right away I notice the look on her face and can tell that she is scared and in shock now herself, but yet, not the amount that I thought she would be and as most would be doing something like she had just done downstairs moments ago for their first time. 

"You okay?" I asked her. 

"Yeah. I'm fine." She says. "I mean, I'm a little bit surprised at myself for what I just now did but yet I feel like it kicked up my adrenaline. I can't believe I had just did that but something about what my cousin was saying just...Just...It just pissed me off and I guess you could say that I was tired of being lied to." She explains. 

"I guess so." I chuckled a little bit. "Well, maybe you should stay here." I tell her feeling a little nervous. 

She looks at me with a sharp glare. 

"No! I'm fine and I'm going! Now let's hurry up and get ready so that we can get this shit over with and finally move the hell on from all of this. I want nothing to do with my so called family after this ends and from here on out, I will NOT play a victim!" She tells me with certainty. 

She looks so cute and hot right now with her new found confidence and all but that doesn't mean she should go with us to meet with Giovanni because this is different than what just happened down there. 

"Frankie, I just...." I started to tell her how worried I was when she stops me by quickly walking up to me and taking hold of my face and smashing her lips onto mine. 

We stood there with our arms around one another making out until we pulled our heads apart to take a breath and leaned our foreheads against one another's for a moment. 

"I know that you're worried baby but we are going to finish this together once and for all. Besides, we both know that it's possible Giovanni could always send some of his men over here and try to take me or kill me, so why not be by your side so that you can protect me and make sure I'm safe yourself?!" She says. 

I then take hold of her face and start to smile. 

"I love you so much." I tell her as if it were the last time hoping and praying in my head with all that I have that it wouldn't be. 

"I love you too." She replies. 

"Okay." I let out a sigh. "But if you come, please do me a favor and don't leave my side." I tell her. 

She looks into my eyes and nods her head in agreement. 

"I promise." She assures me. 

We then give each other another long and passionate kiss before finishing getting ready and heading downstairs to meet up with everyone to begin taking off to meet up with Giovanni. 

I hope that I don't live to regret this in bringing her along with us. I never wanted her to come but she had a point when she mentioned about him possibly sending a few of his men to come here while I met up with him and possibly kill her. So I felt my hands were tied. 

Next chapter will be posted soon! :) 

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